Saturday, January 07, 2006

Since I mentioned my "therapy" cat I figured I should let her out into cyberspace. This is Brownie. She has had more medical care in the past year then 70% of Americans and continues to believe all 7.5 lbs of her can take on any animal in our neighborhood! She knows all quilts I make are for her and has been known to rearrange blocks left out on table to her own liking. She is sitting on an almost quilted store sample wallhanging I almost finished a couple years ago...


  1. Oh it's my Brownie sweetie pie girl. Give her a squeeze for me - I'm sure she'll love that. You got the Mary Englebreit New York Beauty done too - hurrah. Gonna have to show a post of that one sometime too, not that I don't love seeing my sweet kitty. Miss her but miss you even more!!! Glad you're blogging now tho.

  2. You forgot to menion how Brownie drools when getting a kitty-massage! *LOL*

    Just love seeing your sweetie pets. We need a pic of Mack on here or have I already missed one? I'm still searching to see what you've added :c)

    PS..I need to call you to talk about Hickory Knob so I know about food and times and etc..

  3. Beautiful kitty & not too shabby quilt (from what I can see of it!)


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