Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Too much stuff

Today my DH and I got word we most likely will be moving overseas. We've talked about it for at least a couple of years but things just never came together. This time it looks very likely and I'm a bit unsure of the whole thing now. The problem? Too much stuff.

It isn't just fabric (that is all coming with me!) It is the 12 suits I haven't worn since I left corporate, the 11 pewter dishes still in their boxes from our wedding day, the ten boardgames left behind by the stepchildren when they moved away, the nine Lladros given me by friends who thought I liked them when they saw me buy one as a gift for my sister, the eight putters all of which my husband thought would solve his golf game, the seven pairs of worn out shoes, the six boxes of old photos, five broken coffeepots, four chairs that need re-caning, three crystal decantars, two pullout couches, and lazyboy recliner with worn spot. (sorry, I couldn't help myself.....)

The point being, I only have a limited amount of energy and time. I know I'll feel better when it all is done. It is all that in between stuff that wears me out! I'm hoping the local MS group takes me up on my offer..if they pull it out into the front lawn and run the yard sale they can have the profits. (If I have the disabled vetrans come again my neighbors will think I'm having an affair!)

I may even part with a few of my antique quilts. My nieces and nephews aren't interested and I've already given my sisters a few. It comes to a point that I just can't take care of them anymore. A few years in storage certainly isn't good for them and a trip across the ocean is tough too. So many decisions!

Anyway, I've included a photo of my steeple chase circa 1870 that hangs in my DH study and will be replaced by the red, white and blue if and when I get that finished!


  1. A yard sale for charity - excellent solution, esp if they do the work.
    I'd like to think my quilts are in a nice humidity-controlled storage center, but kinda doubt it. At least my quilts aren't old and fragile. You do have a dilemma there. Sell the ones you can stand to part with on E-Bay? Get your sister with the beautiful new house to give you a bedroom so you can lay them all out flat for the next several years? Get your brother to buy a quilt storage house as an investment?
    Definitely get rid of those old clothes tho - you're not "corporate woman" any more.
    Hurray on going overseas tho - hope it will be a fabulous worthwhile experience for you.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Ooh, where are you going? Great idea getting the charity to do your yard sale! I love the quilt too :-)

  3. OOhh What a beautifull quilt!! It must be so difficult for you that you van't teke your antique quilts with you :c(.. I hope you can find a good home for them !

  4. We recently moved. It was heart breaking to have to sell more than half of our things, but in the end I realized we really didn't need all that "stuff" and it was really a blessing in disguise. Just in case you need one, we volunteer to dog sit while your are gone. VBG

  5. what an adventure lies ahead for you! it is exhausting to think of all the change and packing etc ahead. I hope you are able to take those antique quilts you love the most with you.

  6. Sio, you know that I am HAPPY to hold onto your quilts while you are gone....I'm sure lots of the guild ladies would divvy up shelf space and quilt sit until you come back! However..the old shoes and the pewter dishes (can you re-gift pewter dishes to anyone?) have to go:c)

    Let me know if I can help in anyway...even if it is to pat your shoulder and say "let it go!" :cD


  7. Last time I moved - it was out of a 2500 square foot house WITH a HUGE barn - all jammed packed - stuffed with STUFF. What did I take? 1 U-Haul truck (not a big one either). Sometimes it is just good to get rid of these things - keep the most important things. When you look at moving or storage expenses in the double diget thousands of dollars - you figure out exactly what is replaceable to you and what isn't! (That beautiful antique quilt - I would KEEP!)



  8. HEYYYY I WILL STORE YOUR quilts...LOL..and throw those coffee makers out...find the trash can...call good will and point at the stuff and say take it...they will I think...


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