Saturday, February 25, 2006

Home again

More photos from the quilt exhibit...the quilt top in this photo is one of my favorites (ok i say that about almost all the photos...) The applique stitches are so tiny and the colors so bright it makes me happy to look at it. I also like the way the border is perfect on one side...almost perfect the next and then by the final one she just chops off a third of the swag. Take that quilt police!

We got home late yesterday from New Mexico and are no closer to deciding on where we want to retire! I found out my husband doesn't like high elevations, small towns, lots of space between towns, or lack of green. He is suddenly thinking Florida! Is there a cool place in Florida? I guess we'll think about it tomorrow.

I really enjoyed New Mexico. I visited a very sad little quilt shop in was closing. I got some batiks for my someday stash. I loved visiting the little shops around Las some great ideas for quilts and got some nice photos. Now I just need to find the cable for the digital camera...this is supposed to be easier than my old 35mm right?


  1. it can be so challenging to find a retirement place...good luck! He might prefer living in a town where there is a college-they seem to be lively enough places to always have something going on you would enjoy being a part of.

  2. There are no cool places in Florida, at least in the summertime. You'd be miserable unless you spend half the year elsewhere.
    It's unfortunately cooler here in Jupiter than my hubby would like. Rainy and grey, tho it was hot a couple of days ago. He still hasn't made it to the beach yet and is not a happy camper. I haven't made it to the quilt shop yet either.
    that quilt would be fab on the wall during the christmas season...

  3. Let's see . . you could move to Kentucky! I think it's so pretty here. It's not very high (not low either), not sure how small is too small but our town isn't too small for us, there's probably a good bit of space between towns here and there's lots and lots of green.

    I used to think I wanted to retire in FL but there's no way I'm risking losing everything in a hurricane and I'm not going to pack up and leave my home every time there's a storm coming so my days of living near the coast are over.

    Good luck with finding a place. I think it's definite that we're retiring in Georgia. Doesn't matter to me but it is nice to have the decision made.

    Judy L.


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