Friday, May 12, 2006


What a wicked week! Rarely am I so happy to find out it is Friday! Other than a trip to the Farmer's Market I am not planning on anything for the next two days. Between doctor's appointments, real estate appointments, meeting with the movers, and way too many telephone calls to list my general life maintanence tasks have slipped to an all time low! As it works out the doctors' appointments only lead to more doctor's appointments, the real estate agents was more interested in selling our house then helping us rent, the movers couldn't come any of the days we had planned, and cat knocked the phone off the counter and now I have to go out and buy a new one with only 2 months left in this country! I needed one more thing to do!

Since my last post was of my log cabin I thought I'd include this photo of an antique log cabin quilt I picked up 10 years ago in Pennsylvania. I love the pinks and indigos. The setting of this quilt is what got me going on the other...this quilt is about 66x65. The strips are 1 inch...give or take! This quilt is very calming.

DH is off playing golf so I may just go and play in the quilt room for a few hours and forget about packing and planning and responsible stuff for a bit! At least I know I won't be bothered by the telephone ringing!


  1. Hey, if he's off playing instead of helping pack, then you get to ignore the world too and do what you want! Sorry about all the doctors appointments - but you do it. Gotta take care of yourself.

    "sweet, fattening, and expensive" - I love it. I don't think it's a stupid thing to say at all.

  2. lol

    That was my thought too, Tonya!

    If the husband can play then so can you!

    Seeing your log cabin quilts makes me want to try one too. :)

  3. Just enjoying reading your Blog in recent days. A friend turned me onto your stuff as I'm a fellow quilter and MS'er as well. You've got quite a lot going on there!!! Sounds like you're moving overseas? How do you do it all?! I guess we all manage somehow, eh? At any rate, know that your blog is read by many a quilter that can't comment as my friend did. Warmest regards, *karendianne.

  4. I love this quilt! I love the mediums creeping into the lights, and visa versa...and how she tried to localize certain fabrics to give it some uniformity, but there are's a great quilt!



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