Thursday, June 15, 2006

Missed Packing Day

The quilt on the left was purchased in West Virginia about 15 years ago. It's one of those Happy Quilts...not quite pastel with lots of gingham, shirting plaids and cambry. This week I need happy quilts!

I am not looking for sympathy...but this week really has been bad.

When I get nervous I grind my teeth. I ground them so bad this past week I cracked my back tooth and yesterday I had to have surgery to remove it. This of course knocked me out of commission for the last two days. My DH, who hasn't done a whole lot getting ready for the move to date, went into hyper-drive. Here I am with a swelled up mouth filled with cotton and two black eyes and he is asking me questions every three minutes about what is going into storage, what is being packing, who does this or that box go to? If I wasn't so pumped with pain meds I would have screamed!

Today I am feeling much better. We got up early and walked the house and garage with the ship vs. hold tags one more time. DH felt compelled to seperate everything in the garage into two seperate piles. During which my little dog decided to take himself for a walk. (he was feeling unloved and ignored I'm sure.) Now Macbeth would not hurt a fly...a rotweiller on the other hand if fair game in his book. Someday that Rot up the street will realize that Mac is only 17 pound and she is 75 pounds...Anyway, I go into the garage and ask where the dog is? For 20 minutes we walk the neighborhood looking for him. When we get home he is sitting on our front porch looking at us like we were lost. One panic over.

I did run over the quilt guild and drop off 4 boxes of miscl. craft stuff that isn't coming with me. I needed to cull the herd a bit. It is good to see it go to places it will be used. I rushed home because we had/have several appointments today: First and foremost the movers were coming to put things in storage, the yard guy is coming to fix the inground sprinkler that my husband ran over, and the handyman is coming to fix the window in the back that cracked. It is now 1:40 and I have not seen any of them. The movers have called and are running behind on another job and would like to reschedule to tomorrow...there is a goodbye lucheon for my DH but I guess I'll just have to pass on a free lunch! Fortunately there is a goodbye golf tournament for him this afternoon so he is not here pacing and complaining about the no-shows! I am trying to reschedule showing the house to some potential renters tomorrow so they are not here during the move but so far no answer on their cell phone!

At this point I almost don't care....what happens happens. Moving is too much work! Sorry for all the whining..... To make myself feel better I am going on-line to order another basket fromDawn Gabrielli. I bought the one on the left at the Quilt show last spring in Charleston. It fits blocks 15x15 and has a rod across the middle to hang your thread. I have been using it to keep my applique blocks together. She doesn really nice work. Nothing like some quilting shopping to cheer ya' up....


  1. So sorry to hear about the tooth..that's a lot of stress girl!!!
    Boo hiss on people not keeping their appointments and you missing a free lunch.

    Love the basket tho, a great reward! Hope the rest of the week is better.

  2. Oh Siobhan what a horrible thing moving is - I do so feel for you, the basket is gorgeous, why can't we get things like that in England? mmm now there's a development opportunity for someone, no don't laugh I can't make baskets too although Somerset is famous for them

  3. You're allowed to whine away. Just one of those things would be enough to put me over the edge, let alone all of them. Hope the packout goes smoothly - my fingers are crossed for ya.

  4. Neat basket! to bad about all of the other crap....

  5. Sorry to hear about the tooth - ugh nothing I hate more than tooth work! And yup you've had a bad week! What a great happy quilt though! I'm so glad you shared it! And thanks for sharing the basket too - that is ADORABLE!

  6. What a adorable basket... ANd we can shake hands I have toothproblems too at this moment .. YUK !!


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