Sunday, June 25, 2006

One Step Closer

The photo is of my Mom when she was stationed in England during WWII. Since I am packing to move to England I thought it appropriate.

We are now living in a hotel...or at least I am. The animals are staying in the house and my DH is visiting family in California. I can't believe how much "stuff" didn't get packed...I have a cabinet full of muffin tine (why, you are wondering, does anyone have a full cabinet of muffin tins? They multiply each move...that is my story and I'm sticking to it!) To continue....Paints can't supplies can't go...aerosol cans can't go...gardening tools/supplies can't go....So what do I do with all this stuff!!! I hate to toss it. I even have three plant left!

Of course the morning after we unplugged the main computer my DH decided he needed to look something up on the internet. He boots up my laptop and BANG...the blue screen of death! I tried luck. I scoop up the poor thing and drive to the local computer doctor. Picture a storefront filled with an assortment of spare computer parts, three teenagers with their feet up on the counter and an enourmous (5 feet across!) replica of the starship Enterpise hanging in the corner. If they couldn't fix my computer no one could.

So up my computer goes on the counter. They wrinkle their noses. My poor laptop is 5 years old and has seen better days. It was like driving a Toyota Corrolla into a Volovo Dealership. What is worse...they plugged it in, hit the on button and BANG - it worked. I had to toss around some Star Trek-isms just so they wouldn't think I was a total waste of gigabyetes....How embarressing!


  1. Don't you hate the "you're so old and stupid you must have a dinasaur brain" that teenagers are capable of... Ahhh well, they do have their uses when it comes to computers :-)

  2. You know this could be a whole series..I'm giggling about the teenagers and madness of the Universe...Sio's Grand almost have to keep smiling to keep from weeping. I hope it improves...honest!
    Love the picture of your Mom...such a sweet looking person..and very appropiate as you prepare to move to England. Hope you and Ton can hook up once she's in Paris. Keep up posted if you can, Hugs, Finn

  3. Oh this is sooo funny! Your description of the computer geeks is so appropriate! Very fun! And what a lovely picture of your mom!

  4. I'm sure you can find a good home for the muffin tins, plants and supplies etc. Some young military family would prob love to have them. Don't let hubby touch the laptop again...

  5. that computer scenario is the story of my life. (I am so happy when the same "wrong" thing happens to the techie too!)


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