Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Things you learn from a move

I'm having a quiet moment...between appointments. There are a lot of things we've done right so far this move and a lot a lessons learned. So here's my list:

- Starting early getting the animals ready with the Vet. and reading up on all of the requirements for them to travel was a good thing. The whole thing is very complicated. I still worry we are missing something.
- Donated, trashed, or otherwise got rid of stuff. Unfortunately not enough. Why do we have so much stuff? I'm committing to being very tough on things as we unpack on the other side and try to pare back some more.
- No matter how good a shape you think your house is in when the furniture moves out the walls look like....well, really bad. We should have allocatted more time for painting.
- Why do we wait until we move to make the house look really good? I finally painted the kitchen the mocha color I've wanted for the past 5 years. I love it...we're moving.
- Freshly washed windows are a beautiful thing...particularly when someone else does the washing!
- You can change your address with almost everyone via the internet. It makes it really easy. So far the only problem I've had is with an online fabric company that billed me for an order that I haven't recieved. Once I told them I was moving I haven't gotten a reply on any emails...since the one email I did get was nasty and told me to use the postal mail or faxes because they were too busy to answer email! I should have started clearing anything outstanding (ie. backorders/preorders) earlier.

I still can't post photos...how crazy!


  1. sounds like you're learning lots. Hope the lessons haven't been too hard :-)

  2. Siobhan - you're right about painting to move out - how sad is it that you don't get to enjoy the fruits of those labours.

  3. I'm taking notes... 5 weeks until we move!

  4. Hope it all turns out well, it will all be over soon enough and you'll get settled.

    What do you mean no gardening tools!??? WHAT??

  5. Moving is definitely a lesson about what things we really need. I have been trying to follow the motto of if something comes into the house something else has to go out. Hope you new house has new paint that you like.

  6. oh, don't tell me about going to the vets earlier - too late for me to learn that one. I kept putting it off. Today is the big day. Hubby is going to help and we're taking all four cats in at once for their chips.

    I know about internet address changes - a true lifesaver. Hope the fabric arrives before you leave. Don't like to hear about a non-responsive quilt retailer tho. Bleck.

  7. Life is crazy, isn't it! We moved into our work-in-progress house 8 years ago...and haven't done much in the lines of progress since. One just gets settled...and tunnel vision sets in!

    When you get to your new home...do everything that you want to do...and do it RIGHT AWAY!!! ;-)

  8. Sio - you are quite right about the things we do to make the house nice for someone else to enjoy. And all the stuff we collect - yikes, I would hate to even think about trying to move again! Thanks for the tips especially about the animals and the windows too - the part about having someone else do them is especially appealing...i have a kid with nothing to do.....

  9. Hey, It's 7/6. You've probably been busy getting organized from the move, but wanted to let you know your posts are being missed.
    Take a coffee/quilting break every now and then...


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