Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

I just packed DH out the door with homemade brownies and a bage of candy for his coworkers. I never think you are too old to celebrate Halloween!

The wallhanging is a Tonya original! I scares my husband so I make sure to put it up every year. I also pulled out my almost finished witchy quilt...I think it has been almost finished for 3-4 Halloweens now. Maybe I'll get the final 10 inches of binding sewn down before the trick-or-treaters hit the door.

Yesterday while walking Macbeth a couple of young girls set me straight on trick-or-treating here in the village (acually they came up and asked if I was going to give out American candy for Halloween and since their Moms only let them go to houses that they know the owners could I come over to the playground and introduce myself!) The thing is trick-or-treaters will only come to your door if you have a lit jack-o-lantern and a light on beside the door. So I guess at least part of today will be spent carving my pumpkin!

It is a beautiful day here...the sun is trying to come through which I always nice. Yesterday it felt like early evening all day long! I just hunkered down and got some organizing done in the quilting room. Since we had to move the computer into the livingroom (only telephone jack that would carry the broadband!) the office/library is fairly empty. Yesterday I tried setting one of my sewing machines up in there and it was quite nice. Big window, large desk, several outlets, a door to close and hide the mess...a quiting room annex perhaps? Not quite sure how long DH will put up with it but I do need to make curtains for that room and it is so much easier not to have to carry the fabric up and down stairs...that is my story and I'm sticking to it!

Happy Halloween!


  1. Ooh, hope you get to keep that room - sound wonderful with all that light. That is a great tradition of having the jack-o-lantern out to indicate you want trick or treaters. I love the girls dragging you over to meet mum so they can get candy - classic. Now get your witchy wallhanging done!

  2. Wonderful Halloween quilts!!

  3. Oh, I am so glad that you have been set straight! Funny how they was American Candy... (I still miss Buttermint Humbugs - I got a tin in Dover on my way back to France...)
    We have the same computer problem, except that our has to live in the stewdio....

  4. careful with that carving knife -- you can't afford to "ruin" the pumpkin, nor cut yourself so the binding can't be finished :-) Love the quilt, and hope you're able to get it finished

  5. Sounds like a good story! Hope you get lots of trick-or-treaters this year!

  6. hee hee hee. Kids will be kids, huh? When my husband lived in England, the neighborhood kids were always coming over for American goodies.

    Love the Witchy Quilt! And boy is that black cat cool. i keep trying to click on it for a closer look, but blogger is being bad!

  7. Oh how cute about the little girls asking you to introduce yourself! I hope you have some American candy to hand out! Too cute! And I love Tonya's Halloween thingy - and love your quilt! What fun. I'm so glad I'm starting to catch up on everyone again! Finally!

  8. Nice to meet your neighbors, even though their motive was candy!

    I agree with your husband, the teeth on that cat wall hanging IS spooky lol

  9. What a nice idea the girls getting you to meet their mom so they could call on you for trick or treat - if nothing else it will help you get to know your neighbours a bit better which is no bad thing as we Brits can be a bit reserved :o) - sewing room sounds good hope you get to keep it that way

  10. two sewing rooms sound right to me-especially if you have great light-a real must for a quilter. loved the Halloween story-smart girls to recognize you and make sure you were successful in at least having them come over!


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