Saturday, April 21, 2007

Village view

Only have a few minutes to post today. Yesterday we walked up the hill in back of our village and this time I remembered my camera. There were bluebells everywhere and Breedon hill across the way had so many fields of rafe in bloom it looked like someone had slashed it with a flouresant yellow high-lighter!

Every time I come close to starting a quilt inspired by the colors of the fields around me the fields totally change colors! Mother Nature is so much faster with the paint brush than I am.
I am also excited because I found a Quilting and needlework shop up in Evesham which is only 15-20 minutes away on a very easy road. I was able to get the linen I needed for the sampler and picked up a teacozy kit as well. DH was with me so I didn't have too much time to look around. I think I may head up there in the next week to check out the town.


  1. The pic with the bluebells looks more like a painting than a photo. oh so beautiful.

  2. Oh those pictures are so beautiful! The countryside by you is amazing!

  3. Fabulous pictures, reminds me that England is a green and pleasant land.

  4. Beautiful bluebells, what a restful scene!

  5. Oh, how peaceful! As for the countryside constantly changing colors -- well, that's just an excuse for a series of quilts -- one that reflects the changing seasons! (evil, aren't I?)

  6. Incredible pictures. I know I've said it before - but you are so lucky you get to live there for awhile!

  7. Lovely picures, I know what you mean about the colours changing so fast.

  8. Oooh Evesham is almost striking distance from it a good enough shop for a day trip? and if so can I have details please.

  9. Every time I visit the UK I can't wait to get back to my quilting to reproduce what I've seen in the colors that surround me.

    : )

  10. Hi Sio, what beautiful pictures. Almost like being there. Isn't spring incredible??

    Love the 4 patch combo in your last post. A real Maverick...but so lovely. Hugs, Finn

  11. Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world, it's simply captivating.

  12. Bluebells and beech trees - you really do know how to make a girl homesick don't you! Wet and mis here today after having had glorious 3 weeks. Typical 1st May!


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