Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time to build an ark...

The last 24 hours have been very, very wet and worrisome. It has rained, rained, and sometimes just poured. My DH left work at 4 yesterday afternoon. It usually takes only 20-30 minutes for him to get home. He walked in the door at 9:30!

The highway was blocked with cars and the road from the M-5 to our village was flooded in two areas. The roundabout about 1/4 mile away was the end of the line for many folks...the road was closed in all directions. We ended up with 3 visitors overnight...the man Dh carpools with couldn't get into his village because all routes into his village was closed and a young women and her 3 year old daughter whose car ran out of gas at the roundabout. The guys took pity on them and brought home. She had been on the road for 7 hour! The little one barely finished a bowl of soup and fell asleep on the couch. It made for an intersting night. The cats and the dog were happy for the company!

It stopped raining for long enough for us to get to them home this morning. It just now started to rain again. Good thing I did lots of shopping this Wednesday! (Wow, just watched two huge rescue helicopters go overhead!)

While it rained and I worried about my DH on the road I worked on my rose sampler quilt. These are the blocks I made with the group up in Fairford. The brown homespun was from an abandoned project. I really like it....wish I remembered where it came from?!


  1. Hasn't it been awful! I had to drive down the M.1. yesterday and I hate motorway driving at the best of times - came back by the 'normal' roads, but that was just as bad, though I don't think it's as bad as in your neck of the woods. Good for you for providing a much needed port in a storm.

  2. holy cow. ya'all be careful. don't go anywhere you don't need to go and don't catch a cold! wear your wellies! Are you getting your Harry Potter in a bookstore or waiting for it to come in the mail? I was thinking about you with teh news showing the people waiting on line there in London.

  3. This weather is seriously unbelievable - how kind of you to help that lady and her daughter - down here in Somerset we've been relatively lucky - we've had plenty of rain but not in such concentrated amounts - been thinking about you all up there in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire - Nigel's little 6yo nephew had to be rescued by a fireman from his primary school in Worcester yesterday - no sign of the rain letting up yet either

  4. BTW forgot to say the quilt looks wonderful

  5. The quilt is just wonderful, but that terrible flooding is awful! Good you were able to help folks.

    Be careful - we've been hearing about it on the news.

    As for us in western Nebraska, we're dry as a bone, still in drought conditions. Send us some of that stuff!

  6. Scary indeed, I'm glad you all are OK; what a blessing you've been to those in need. The quilt is lovely.

  7. The rose quilt is lovely--I hope it gives you peace in this worriesome weather.

  8. Your sampler quilt is gorgeous!


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