Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lights are back on!

Well after several days of intermittent power outages it seems as if we are all fixed now...I'll know better after a good rain! I've been able to plug in the computer and the sewing machine. Life is almost back to normal...

I finished a Christmas tote bag. The photo is at the top. It worked up quickly and I used it already when we visited the local Christmas market this past weekend. I still want to add a hook to put my keys on but that can be done later.

I've started making my Christmas coconut biscotti and peanut butter shortbread. I'm still a bit tired from Thanksgiving so it is a slow start. As you can see in the photo below Macbeth, my official floor cleaner, got a bit tired out by turkey three. I tried a new recipe yesterday - Bourbon Apple Pecan Bread! Really good. I brought it to Choral practice last night. The recipe either came from Country Living or Home Companion. It was in my 'try it someday' pile of recipe cuttings but didn't look very old (some are a bit yellow around the edges!) I love bread recipes that make two loaves. It makes it feel like less work somehow when you have so much to show for the effort!


  1. Macbeth cracks me up! I love your tote bag, I did up a bag for the Fall season and everything ended up in the bottom. I was forever rooting around in there for my keys, the hook is a grand idea! Congrats on being all fixed again, what a pain that must be.

  2. Your tote bag is beautiful. I love your stove! What kind is it?

  3. It's always good to have the power restored after the outages. Everyone seems to be making bags and I have yet to make my first. Perhaps that will be a 2008 project. Love your green stove.

  4. Cute bag. Cute doggie too. If I had the option I'd join him, it's cosy that close to an aga.

  5. What a cool stove. Poor pup, he's had a rough day. Bread sounds yummy.

  6. With that amazing stove against that wall, you just HAVE to be a dyed-in-the-wool-quilter! What a pretty photo.

  7. Oh what a fun tote! Emily is going down to the big KrisKindlMart in Chicago next week. I'm jealous that I don't get to go!

  8. Love your Christmas tote and you neat green stove too! A double oven would come in handy from time to time.

  9. Awfully cute floor cleaner! Does he have the corner of an eye on that turkey?

    Love the tote bag too - I've been thinking of trying to make one, but I need lots of zippers and inner pockets, I tend to toss my bags on the passenger seat of my van, and unsecured stuff rattles around.

  10. What a neat stove! And doggie! And bag!
    I am intrigued by your idea of a hook for your keys. Can you explain how to do it? What kind of hook? I have often thought that a hook would be handy--but have not gotten beyond the thought.
    I am poised to make a bag out of Christmasy fabric that I quilted last year. It was my first attempt at longarm quilting on "real" fabric. It has sat on the shelf since. But it's coming off that shelf this weekend!
    Is it too early to say "Merry Christmas?" --Linda H

  11. Don't wear yourself out! That's an order. Peanut butter shortbread - mmm. Sweet pic of Mac.Fingers crossed for no more power probs.

  12. You've got a Rangemaster????? You lucky lucky person! The nearest cooker to an Aga without the huge expense. Adorable pic of Mac. Sorry to hear of the power cuts - we get them too.

  13. I loved it that you left a message on my blog about going to New York. Our trip was fantastic by the way. I'm new to blogging and now understand how nice it is to get messages. My sister leaves me messages, but she knows I expect her too. Many thanks for leaving me a message. I just noticed that I've been reading many of of the blogs of people who left you a message on this post. I found most of them from the site.

  14. I read often and I enjoy your blog but it took that very cool range/oven combo to get me to delurk! I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  15. A great tote and perfect for Xmas shopping. Love that backsplash behind your stove ... so colourful.

  16. I too have a little floor cleaner. Aren't they the best?? I am glad you have your power back on. We had a four day outage this year....discouraging.

    Your tote is so neat!!


  17. I love your tote bag, the wall behind your stove and, could it be?, the Red Sox pot holder on the wall? You should call yourself the Red Sox quilter, not the Yankeer quilter. LOL!!!

  18. An adorable bag and let's hear it for reliable electricity!!!!

  19. I love your stove!! and I would love a copy of your recipe for apple bourbon pecan bread. It sounds heavenly. Lori


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