Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cleaning up photos

While I was housebound this past month I took some time to go through my ever-growing photo files on both my computer and my laptop. What a mess!

I have photos from three cameras ago in various files on the laptop. Some are of such poor quality compared to my new camera I am just putting them on a disk and deleting the original. Then there are the photos I only took to put on the blog...a new fabric, a block, and almost know the ones. Those are gone too. Then I copies the remaining photos on to disks so if something were to happpen to the computer I would have a backup. I know - I am supposed to do this on a routine basis. Oh, well.

Some of my favorites were of the quilts that came in to the quilt shows for appraisals. At our first show a man brought in about 20 quilts that had belonged to his grandmother. He told great stories about how he remembered sitting under the quilting frame and helping poke the needle back up if it slipped out of her fingers while quilting. The blue quilt at the top was one of his.

The bulls-eye photo below is only one block of 12 that made up one of the heaviest "quilts" I have ever carried! The blocks are about 20 inches by 20 inches. It is an incredible piece! I loved the colors. I am slowly working on the Carolina Crossroads blocks. This may take me awhile. This week I also worked on a charity quilt at Fairford...we almost finished an entire quilt top in one day. Amazing what can happen when several folks get together to work on one project!


  1. Cleaning up computer photos is always a good idea. Thanks for reminding us! The folded star quilt is stunning.

  2. Eeek -- don't remind me about needing to clean up computer photos. I have about a week's worth of clean up to do on my computer and I've been avoiding it as much as I've been avoiding cleaning the rest of my house. I know I SHOULD do it -- I just keep on putting it off! UGH. Lovely photos of the quilts from shows. That bull's eye is incredible.

  3. glad you are feeling better enough to do some piecing..lovely old quilts

  4. good reminder - i need to back up all my photos too. I love that top quilt - that guy is sooo lucky, I hope he appreciates those quilts.

  5. Having lost the lot about 2 years ago I now back up at the end of every month - which reminds me!

    That bull's eye is amazing.

  6. Thank you for sharing your pictures. My husband has been working to organize ours a little better. I have a box of those folded pieces somewhere to make a project...Hope you are feeling Ok!


  7. Have you flair.Very nice


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