Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Double Delight Delema

Or should I call this the continuing caper of the curious cat....those of you visited last year while I worked on Carolina Crossroads will remember I had a similar conundrum - missing blocks.

I am fairly sure I know who the culprit is...she doesn't even attempt to look innocent but no amount of begging will get the location of her current fabric stash out of her.

The problem is I started out using only one brown fabric for the triangles. I thought it would give some continuity to all the scrappie-ness of the greens, shirtings and purples. I spent an afternoon cutting a large baggie with all the brown needed. I had only made about 6-7 blocks when the baggie disappeared. I have looked everywhere. It was last seen on the coffee table in our familyroom on top of the finished blocks.

So I am tired of looking and since our new president has limited me to the Army Field Manual it is doubtful my "little terrorist" will be giving up any information anytime soon. (I found the missing Carolina Crossroad 9-patches under the sofa in the livingroom and behind a radiator when we moved last year...there were also several buttons, two spools of thread and many 2 inch fabric strips) So onto plan B...scrappy all over! I pulled a couple of browns from the stash and recut the triangles. You know of course this means I will find the originals tonight...I also found some blue courthouse step blocks I thought I had lost. They were wrapped up in some flanned I had used as a design board. I put the blocks together last night and will put on a simple border today. I think I was making this for my sister but don't remember anymore...how do you call someone and ask, "about three years ago did I promise to make you a blue and white quilt?" And before you say anything...I know this isn't really blue and white! I have problems limiting color in my quilts. You should see my red, white and blue that ended up with green, yellow and pink in it!


  1. Your kitty must be related to my kitty! LOL
    At least you find your bits and bobs, sometimes I never do!

  2. That's one crazy cat!
    Good luck finding your bits.
    Lovely courthouse steps.

  3. Heeeeee! Love the kitty play! And definitely, when you are in doubt, sewing something ELSE to completion is always a welcome distraction!


  4. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment about color and texture. I so agree.

    Love the kitty play too.

    Whenever I'm in doubt, I put it aside and look at something else. usually when I go back, it all falls into place.

  5. ooo - I love the look of your double delight so far! Silly little kitty!

  6. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The blue quilt is gorgeous!

  7. The "little terrorist" wants you to see her block placement skills. I kinda like her approach to tell you the truth! I know I've felt that way a time or two.

    This whole entire post was nothing but hilarity. Great to wake up to this afternoon.

  8. Talk about keeping things interesting! Maybe your cat is a closet quilter and just wants to have some time to stroke the fabric :o)

  9. Love her expression...such concentration!
    I had a cat when I was first married in the 60's who was a packrat. Only I did not find out about it until a few years down the road when our water heater needed replaced. The repairman said " Ma'm could you come see what I found inside the wall behind the insulation behind the hotwater heater" There were key chains, all kinds of jewlery, silver gum wrappers, bobby pins, silverware, lids from jars....you can imagine how we laughed. He could not retreive them. He was simply hiding them. So funny!
    The cats I have now simply steal thread. They do not mess with the fabrics. I have to unthread my machine. Only way to save my threads.
    Don't you just love kitties??!!
    Subee in snowy Northern Indiana

  10. That puss looks guilty ! Would you believe I have come to feed the goldfish tonight and his little tub of food is missing - one of three possible culprits - lol ! Actually I think you promised that courthouse steps quilt to me LOL - it's lovely..

  11. Your beautiful kitty must be related to mine too! I've never had a cat that stole things, but my Dunkel is a terrible thief. Usually not fabric, tho'. Good luck finding your parts. My cats always help with the layout step!
    The blue/white courthouse steps is beautiful!

  12. That blue quilt is great. I have lost a 9 patch that I needed for my block exchange last weekend. I could not find it anywhere. I even had DH come into my sewing room to look for it. He was very nervous in the foreign terrrritory! I have not found the 9 patch yet. I made another one for the exchange. By the way, I cannot blame the cat. She was outside the whole day!

  13. Glad to know i'm not the only ones with cats who must possess my fabric and create their own little stashes. hope you find what you've lost and in the meantime your "blue and white" quilt is just gorgeous!!

  14. Love the courthouse steps and poor kitty, just couldn't take it anymore. The block layout was wrong, oh so wrong!

  15. oh geeze. brownie is such a sweetie pie/terror. i guess I feel lucky that mine just mess blocks up and move them around but generally don't make off with them.

  16. lol A little feline pack-rat!

  17. I love the blue court house steps quilt. That is something I would do; find them months later. Just did the same thing when cleaning my sewing room. Found enough already made blue blocks to make a nice sized blue rag quilt!

    I just wanted to let you know about our 2009 Quilt Retreat Getaway Weekend which is held in Belmont, Wisconsin at The Travel Center Convention Hall and Baymont Inn and Suites on November 6, 7 and 8, 2009. The details are on my webpage at Quilts by barb or on my blogspot at Visit Quiltsbybarb quilt retreat blogspot

    We would appreciate if you would help us pass on this information and we would love to have you join us!

    Barbara Raisbeck,
    Owner of Quilts by Barb

  18. I have way too much help from my kitty friends, too. This is such a sweet picture of your cat with your quilt blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt, it looks great so far!

  19. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Cats are just so funny and I love your tale. The cat we took in came home from down the road with a PACKAGED cat nip toy that he apparently helped himself to out of somebody else's garage! It was still in the package for pete's sake!

  20. I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading your blog and will be back. I can't tell you how I stumbled upon you, but I am glad your blog came across my screen!

  21. I also lost some blocks when i did my DD. I had counted and re-counted and knew I had enough of those brown/cheddar colored square in a square blocks, but never found them. I too know the culprit is Miss Kitty. She's not talkin' though. So I had to make more to complete the quilt. I think cats have a conspiracy going here. I like you colors, can't wait to see the finished product. Carline

  22. That goodness Magic doesn't steal fabric. She' be in big trouble if she did.

    I love the blue and white quilt.


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