Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boots and quilts....

Today I did my bit for the economy...I am not a natural shopper so getting me to go into a department store usually means a major event. This time it was just an ad in the Sunday paper claiming to have boots to fit anyone. Ya right...even when I was running miles a day and wearing silly little dresses I couldn't wear boots off the shelf.

Well I am happy to say I was wrong. These are real honest to goodness grown-up boots (as to say not my red handmade cowgirl boots or the funky wellingtons I got in England.) My Dh didn't even flinch a the price...he was the one that first suggested boots like these while we lived overseas. Now I just have to look for a reason to dress up in the next couple of weeks so I can wear them!

I have started working on the waverunner quilt that is being led by V over at Bumblebeans. Fun - but more work than it looks...having to break lots of very deeply ingrained sewing "habits."

Here are a few more photos from the show. I've been cutting some CD's with the photos for the other members of the guild. I love the colors in this first log cabin by Sandy....

The lone star is by Margaret Hunt from a Piece of Cake pattern. Wish the photo could show the machine quilting. I think she got the blue ribbon for applique on this one.

I love how Sharon's poppy came out...and it photographs so well.

We had a couple of very fun dolls in the show. The blue fairy was done by a member who taught ice skating for years.

This is the wicked witch of the west's rebellious daughter.


  1. Cu-u-u-u-u-t-e kitty!! And thanks for the virtual quilt show you have been providing with your posts.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  2. Beautiful quilts here thanks for sharing, I love the dolls at the end! I'm doing Bumblebeans wavequilt too, haven't started yet, but yes, it will be a challenge to leave the ruler out of it!! xo

  3. Sio!!!

    The Wicked Witch Rebels - Right on! Dig it. You're right on about the colors in that Log Cabin there. I notice the use of such colors at would love to do something like that but you know, I don't have that range in my stash. I don't collect all the colors of the rainbow. Hmmm.

    I'm thrilled for the new purchase. Being an unnatural shopper myself, I understand the thrill of finally having some good shoes. Happy 4 you.

    Out of everything in today's post I'm most happy, I must admit, to see Goldie. She's such a blonde bombshell. A real girlfriend. Not to take away from Mac or Brownie because you know I love them too but Brownie caught my love this morning. She's been hiding out lately...

    Warmly and with much friendly hugs, *karendianne.

    (ps: not sure what this waverunner is. Have to find this bumblebeans blog...)

  4. Letting go is the key to the waverunner.. Work quickly and don't be precise... you get nice gentle waves... I did that whole top in an afternoon...
    ;-) You can do it! I know you can!
    can't wait to see your fabric choices...

  5. I wanted to see the boots. Wah! I used to be such a shoe fanatic that you could have called me Imelda. Now-days it is comfort over style.

  6. I love the rebelious daughter doll! It is wonderful. Also wonderful are all the pictures of the quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What? No pictures of the boots? Aah, come on. Glad you found them. Carline


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