Saturday, March 13, 2010

Catching up is hard to do...

I finally got out of the house and made it to our local guild's morning meeting. Lots of fun stuff...
This top was made by Anne for our Quilt of Valor National Quilt Day Project....boy that is a mouthful! I love the colors in this quilt...Next Saturday on NQD we are going to make some quilt tops using one of Bonnie Hunter's patterns, Twist and Turn, that will then be quilted by some of the members and give to soldiers at a local Army Post.
This next photo is of a Birthday quilt made by members of the guild for Maggie Hunt. There is so much going on in this quilt!
I still haven't gotten back to doing much sewing. Mainly I have been cutting fabric. I am "mentally" working on making one of these Parisian Overnight bags (name of the pattern) in some great Kaffe Fasset Browns. This bag was made by Maggie who got the pattern the same day I did...she has finished two! I've thought about making several....

And I had to share a photo of these strawberries...I love spring. And, they taste just as wonderful as they look...I love spring....Can you believe I ate and entire box of these berries on the way home from the store! Fortunately I bought two so we can still have strawberry shortcake for dinner...whoops I mean for dessert. (I lost 5 pounds from that darn cold/flu so I have a bit of room to celebrate!)


  1. Well you're accurate if nothing else. There is a lot of fun stuff here. That was a mouthful - the QofV NQDProject and those strawberries, too. I dig seeing all the work that went into the Maggie Hunt quilt. Very kind when everyone comes together like that. I dig that Parisian Overnight bag with KF browns. Looks kinda fun. Hope you get a chance to dig into that one soon my friend. *karendianne. who is only slightly curious as to why no token pet pictures...

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better - I bet those strawberries helped ;-)

  3. great quilt by Anne. mmmm, strawberries.

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better. Lots of great projects.

  5. That Log Cabin version is absolutely wonderful! But even better are the bright eyes peeking over the top! 8-)))

  6. Wow - beautiful quilts! I love the top one by Anne. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I am glad you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing pictures from your guild meeting. It looks like fun. I like that birthday quilt. Does everyone get such a great quilt on their birthday? If so, I want to join that guild!

  8. Oh man - send those berries here! Oh do they look good!

  9. I noticed your comment about molas on Barbara Brackman's blog. If you need more information - please stop by my blog - I am from Panama and have a lot of information about molas:

    You are welcome to use any of the info found on my site for your group presentation - but please give me credit.

    If you have any questions - I'd be glad to try to answer them.

  10. Those strawberries look delicious! It gives me hope that warmer weather is on its way...I can't wait for it to warm up!

  11. Great stuff! I love the strawberries, too. Couldn't pay $4 a quart for them so I'll wait until the price comes down. Enjoyed the quilts show!

  12. should have bought 2 boxes of strawberries! LOL!

    Love the Parisian Overnight bag!


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