Friday, August 13, 2010

Cat and quilt guilt...

My cat Brownie was gone but is back again... but all of that made the last 24 hours a bit tense.
Urggggg....she slipped out which isn't all that unusual but when she didn't come back within the next hour - then couple of hours- then the next morning. Needless to say I didn't sleep much. I got up this morning searched the neighborhood (again) then printed out "lost cat" posters using the photo on the top.

About noon I got a phone call from a really nice painter who spoke almost no english however my high school Spanish kicked in enough for me to figure out he had my cat and my cat was sick. Long story short they are working on a empty house a few doors up the street and she got into the garage without the workmen knowing. Luckily today he was back this afternoon to check on paint job. The heat was over 100 and she was really dehydrated and scared. So today I am staying close to home to keep an eye on her.
To make matters worse I was feeling really guilty for having yelled at her just before she went missing. I was laying the quilt out on the floor and she was "stealing" blocks and hiding them. (which by the way is why I made 21 blocks instead of 20 and have a stack of 2-1/2 inch squares for corner-stones...she likes little squares!) On top of that she and Goldie were block surfing (run really fast then jump on a block and surf across the rug...) So I guess she will be spoiled the next few days as much to heal my conscience as to make her better...
Besides recreating the vintage block we have also finished the top for our guild's donation quilt. (Blackbird Designs: Simply Vintage) Lots of folks worked on this but as the quilt-mom I felt very nervous about getting it done in time! Now to just get the darn thing quilted (have a volunteer to bind it...insert happy dance her since I dislike binding so much!)


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Oh dear... anyway I am happy that Brownie is back and she'll feel her normal self.
    Your quilts are beautiful - recreating some quilts is twice beautiful.

  2. So glad you found your little Brownie so heart stopped beating when I looked outside and saw my kitten out there one day a few years ago...she'd chewed through a screen and was having the time of her life!

    Love seeing your quilts as always...the applique is so gorgeous...

  3. of course it would have to be Brownie getting into trouble like that. glad she's safely home - the troublemaker. ooh, love the surfboard blocks - they is beautiful. look reproductiony yet modern.

  4. Anonymous12:22 AM

    happy you've found your cat. know the feeling.

    and I love that you went so scrappy with your blocks. I think I'd have been far more controlling and this is so much more fun.


  5. I'm happy to hear that Brownie is safely back home. I hope she's feeling better very soon. She looks so cute and innocent on your quilt. :-)

  6. Whoa! I'm so glad she is home. So sorry you both had to go through that. I know how awful that is when those felines don't show up when called.

  7. Brownie used up a life. What luck that the workman returned and that she didn't hide when he did. Know the feeling only I didn't get my Gaston back.

  8. Glad you have Brownie safely back if a little worse for wear. I had to laugh when you spoke of how they steal blocks and run and jump on the blocks...just like little kids!!! Beautiful quilts too xo

  9. Block surfing is so funny! Love it. Our cat spend one long winter day outdoors - I was beside myself when she didn't meet me at the door when I came home from work. After dinner I went out the front door to continue my search for her and there she was - just sitting at the front door like she had just wrung the door bell and was waiting for someone to invite her in!! I used up one of MY lives that day! Your quilts are gorgeous.

  10. sometimes paint fumes can cause kidney failure. I think it is enamel paint for sure. Poor kitty. Mine love to block surf too.

  11. So glad kittie is back safe. Donation quilt is simply gorgeous!

  12. Oh I just love that 4patch churn dash quilt! yes indeed. and your simply vitage quilt top is amazing!


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