Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy postman....

My poor mailman. He knew I was waiting for a couple of packages and was starting to get concerned...wouldn't you know it they both showed up on the same day! Whooo hooo! (He really earned his box of cookies this year!)

Thanks you Jane from Sew Create It for the wonderful box from your anniversary give-away. Love the V&A calendar. I've been to the V&A a dozen times but never seem to see it "all." It is one of my favorite places in London (which is one of my favorite cities! and that is saying something...)

There is even a box...which for Dobby is almost as fun as a sock! He has been playing with this box since I unpacked it (and hopefully will play with it for quite awhile and give the other animals a break!)

The second box contained a gift for my DH. It was replacing the original with arrived a month ago broken...for weeks they have been telling me a replacement had shipped but looking at the label this box only left their distribution center on Monday...hummmm. Oh well, at least it is here!

A small Christmas miracle...I've been looking for a specific piece of blue batik for the past couple of months to finish a UFO. Several quilters in my guild thought they had it in their stash but to date - no fabric appreared. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box from Jane and there it was...
just enough to finish the last few points on my strippy blue batik star! How wild is that? Thank you Jane!


  1. Woooo hooo Yeah! It made it! I was starting to wonder! Glad it was a triple gift, between the box for Dobby, the perfect fabric and the calendar. I hope you enjoy all the goodies!

  2. Dobby looks bigger! And so, so cute.

  3. The V&A calendar has a beautiful cover to it by I've not heard of that before. What is V&A?
    Very fun post day for you!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. oh I am so happy for you that you found that blue fabric, how funny Jane would have it across the pond!
    oh my that Calendar has been on my list of WANTS!
    lucky you! Dobby is adorable, isn't it funny how boxes can entertain them?
    Have a wonderful holiday

  5. woohoo! I think I have that fabric too if it turns out you need even more. I swear I can tell that Dobby has grown since the last time you posted a pic. Merry Christmas!


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