Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day of Rest...not so much

Today is supposed to be a day of rest but since I am sitting on a To-do list longer than my arm I've got to get a bit of work in before the list is dragging on the floor and trips me up!I've already spend a few hours on the deck preparing for a guild program next Tuesday on Quilt Appraisals. This did double duty as review for the exam later this month...cannot believe it is finally here! (Dobby likes to sit play on the deck when I have my morning coffee...can you believe how much he has grown!)
Also the kitchen needs to be cleared of fabric and quilt-y stuff before I leave for Paducah which means I need to start now! And speaking of "kitchen fabric," I finished this week's CW Block of the week. I pieced it a bit differently from the directions - instead of sewing a 2-1/2 square to a 2-1/2 inch HST I sewed a 2-1/2 inch square on the diagonal to the 4-1/2 inch strip. That gives the stripe continuity...and me less of a headache! This may be one of my favorite blocks in the growing pile!

Finally, the dreaded spring cleaning of the closet. Temps here are already into t-shirt weather so the heavy sweaters and coats have to move to the to shelves.

So with this...I'd best be off seeing to chores...even if it is a day of rest!


  1. All great minds think the same. That is the same way I am planning to do my block. Love the fabrics you chose. Hugs.

  2. Coffee on the deck, beautiful day, cute kitty... what could be better?

    Love your latest CW block... and agree with you on the change you made to retain the continuity of pattern!

  3. That is a great solution - I never would have thought of it. We had snow showers this morning.

  4. I wish I could attend your guild presentation on quit appraising!

  5. Oh, Dobby isn't a kitten anymore! Your CW block is very handsome.

  6. I love how your CW block turned out. Wonderful!!

  7. Lovely CW block! great feature fabric! I used the same method as you, it certainly made construction a lot easier!! Love your little cat!!

  8. That cat is just gorgeous! Wish I had one like that.

  9. Oh I'm lovin' that block, too. Dobby is so cute there with you and friend - really - the test is really coming soon, ha? Wow. Time flies...

  10. I didn't even realize that was Dobby. How the heck did he get so big? the quilt appraisal thing sounds fun - hope it's not too hot. We've gone beyond t-shirt weather here and are in too-freaking-hot-outside summertime heat. gack.

  11. this is why I don't do my CW block til a week later! your idea is genius. will definitely do that with mine.

    dobby looks adorable as usual. paducah not too far away! excited or what???


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