Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paducah Post 2

I'm being good tonight and staying in to rest up for tomorrow's appraiser examination part two...sounds like a cross between B horror movie or an Army addmitance physical. As strange as it may seem I am a bit excited about it (in a good way.) Maybe it is just that I have been waiting a year to take it or maybe it is just I get an hour to talk about 4 quilts...quilts and talking are maybe my favorite things (if I could have a cup of coffee with me they would have a problem getting me out of the room!)

Hexegon Flowers from the Susan Reich exhibit at the Paducah Rotary Club

As Mary Kerr, one of the Certified Appraisers, told us "you are either ready or you're not." Guess that means cramming tonight is out of the question! So instead of cracking the books I am going to relax with my big cup of herbal tea and post some more photos of here in Paducah.

First Congratulations to Sandra Starley, another appraiser, and her Virginia is for Lovers. It was part of the Alliance for American Quilts Challenge and came in third! Here is a photo of the top quilts in this challenge. There were a lot of really nice quilts (of course I was partial to Sandra's)!

The Alliance Challenge exhibit was out at the old Circuit City-alternate site. There were a lot of vendors there as well. Paula and I got to meet Lori Smith. I have a dozen of her patterns at home so it was nice to put a person to the work! (and yes, I picked up a couple of patterns.)

(Me, Lori, and Paula)

There were a lot of wool vendors at this show. This is something we don't see a lot of down in Augusta Georgia so I picked up a bit. I am tempted to try Lori's "A celebration in appplique" in wool....could be fun!

More tomorrow....


  1. Good luck on your exam tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Glad to hear you're having fun and getting some rest tonight! I know you're going to WOW everyone tomorrow... will be thinking about you!

  3. sounds like you arre having a good time. Good Luck with your test. It sounds like you are ready!

  4. Good Luck!! I'll have my fingers crossed for you!


  5. Thanks so much for posting my quilt and for your support. Also thanks for showing the 4 winning quilts together. Wish I were there.
    Hope everything went well with testing. And most importantly that you got back and forth safe and sound with all the craziness.


Thanks for stopping by!