Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's a top!

Can you believe it...Orca Bay (or in my world Phynizy Swamp) is a quilt top! This is a first step finish in my book!

Now to find a back for it. Which means Road-trip! Next week I'm going up to Mary Jo's with some other quilters. Should be fun. I have a short list of things I need look for...mainly some backings, a border, and some wools. All good.

I went by my friend Ille's house this afternoon. This snowball quilt she is working on is wonderful! Love how she designed the center panel.
It has a lot of thread-painting on it.

We also looked at some of her vintage tops. She is thinking of selling this red and white Whigs Defeat top...

Now I have to spend some time putting up the fabrics I used for the Orca Bay and start to work on my next UFO...

or maybe play with the is so overrated....


  1. I'm with you on the cleaning thing. : )
    Orca Bay looks lovely!
    I had to look twice to see the snowball blocks in that quilt--amazing!

  2. Whoa! Awesomeness abounds here. I love your Phynizy Swamp. You have to know I love seeing this great Whig's Defeat. Wish I could buy that one. :( And Sio, that snowball quilt is like nothing I've seen before. Amazing. Truly.

    Thanks for including the sweet picture of Brownie. A great post!!!

  3. I love your Phynizy Swamp quilt, the pattern and colours are amazing. Have fun finding a backing for it. Your friends snowball is gorgeous. xo

  4. Congratulations on finishing your Orca Bay / Phynizy Swamp quilt top! Oh how I'd like to make a run to Mary Jo's!!!!

  5. I like the name you have for your Orca Bay quilt.
    The red & white Whig's Defeat looks like it is well made. I have always liked that design. But I made a decision a few years ago not to be the keeper of antique quilts.

  6. beautiful!!!! very stained glass. glad the Brownster is doing better.

  7. Love your finish on th OB quilt. I too, need to find the right backing. Great job on your friend's snowball quilt! Love the colors and arrangement.

  8. Yay on your finish! Woohoo! And that snowball quilt is really looked at first like one piece of wild fabric! Very cool!

  9. I think your Orca Bay is perfectly wonderful!!!

  10. Your Orca Bay looks fabulous...well done on getting it done! It does get messy making scrappy quilts, doesn't it. It always feels good to clean up and reset before diving into the next thing.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  11. omg Love that whigs defeat quilt beautiful....
    Congrats on your new quilt top! its beautiful
    ok I am very jealous your going to Mary Jo's I can't wait to I can visit that shop.
    great snowball quilt, creative center....

  12. Congrats on your Orca Bay quilt top finish! It's so pretty! I think I will be working on mine on-and-off for months yet.

  13. Wow, Orca Bay looks fantastic!

  14. It's a beauty! Well done on getting it to top stage! Love that red and white quilt.

  15. Congrats on getting that top done...such a lot of work!

  16. Great finish on the Orca Bay!!! The Whig's Defeat looks wonderful, would love to own an antique quilt, maybe someday....

  17. When are you headed to Mary Jos? I'm in town until the 1st when I head up to PA -- but I'd love to come hang with you guys if I'm not on the road yet!


  18. Wow! That Whig's Defeat is beautiful! Congrats on finishing your Phynizy Swamp, it looks great!

  19. Ohhhh!!! Mary Jos!!! SO wish I could come! I stop by there every time I travel from home in Nashville to my family in NC. Enjoy for me too!

    Your Orca Bay is wonderful! Congrats on completing it! I just returned from retreat and saw one that a friend completed. Hers was in blues, greens and pinks - just lovely!

    PS - I vote for playing with the cat over housework ANY day!!!


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