Saturday, February 18, 2012

More quilt clues

I've been working on the reverse applique circles for the reproduction baby quilt. I need to make 18 of these so it is a good thing that I like making them!

A long time ago I took a workshop on using antique quilts as inspiration with Jeanna Kimbel. One of the things I remember most is how she would fold paper instead of struggle with the math to recreate a pattern. Second was how she used items around her for applique shapes. For instance the outside diameter of these circles is the size of a YLI silk thread bobbin. The inner circle is the size of a dime. Makes so much sense no?!

A quick update on my Adams County Applique quilt. I spent a couple hours on the computer and was amazed at how much I learned. Well, at least how many clues I found.
The names Bishop, Benner and Fisher are listed on the estate file. There was a Bishop family burial ground in Littlestown (the town on the signature block) but a school was built over the grounds. A Martha M Bishop from Littlestown is listed on the Civil War Pension Roll of 1883 (widow.) The quilt has a Maria and a Mary Bishop from the same town. There is also a Hannah Benner listed as a widow on the same roll.

Adams county has a Historical Society in Getttysburg that looks to have quite and extensive collection of research materials. Right now it is closed for renovations. I may make a road trip up there later this spring and see what I can find. I'd love to uncover who the quilt was made for and what was the relationship between these names.


  1. Fascinating stuff. I love hunting down info like this. Keep us "posted" on what you learn in the future, please.

  2. This project is really taking you places (literally). Speaking of unusual templates, in one of my very first quilts I used the base of a glass globe, a pill bottle, and a cookie cutter as quilt line templates. I learned to be inventive when it came time to finishing a top. Thanks for sharing your unique project with us.

  3. While I've been quilting for only a couple of years, I've been sewing for eons and have utilized household items for templates for a long time... either for sewing projects or paper crafts... makes good sense... and saves cents too!

    Quilt history is so incredibly fascinating... looks like you've got a good mystery on your hands! Amazing what you can find on the internet these days...

  4. I'm enjoying reading about your historical finds on the quilt, isn't it great that all these details have been kept somewhere!
    I've used lots of household items for tracing around, getting nice even arcs etc from plates for my quilting lines, I like to use what I have on hand too!!!!


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