Thursday, May 24, 2012

Its a work day....

Just realized I am very close to 700 posts...need to think of some way to celebrate!  stay tuned.

I took a break from organizing the sewing room to do some sewing.  At least I planned to until the workman showed up to fix the deck and the front door.  Inviting carpenters to work on the house is sort of like going the doctor.  Even if you feel fine (the house is not old and looks ok) they will find something...sooo

Well our deck was not built to code...and had I noticed the problem with our garage door?...the mailbox is leaning...and did I know there was lots of water coming out of the side of the house?  (of course I did...I just assumed it was a water feature and later we would have mud wrestling with the neighbors followed by a nature show as the giant mosquitoes hatch then attack...grrrrrr.)  So now we have plumbers onsite to be followed I'm sure by some electrician (still waiting on the lights in my sewing-room,) a baker and a candlestick maker (just kidding on that last one....)

With all this going on I've had a difficult time concentrating...I did some random piecing (influenced by the recent posts on the antique and vintage quilt face-book page.)

Halfway through I thought this would be a good piece for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative...then of course I forgot what I was doing and made it too is that sort of day folks!

My big accomplishment was to change the quilt on the guest bed to a summer-ish quilt.

Add one more...made chocolate chip cookies...

also ate too many of them but that isn't so much of an accomplishment...but they did help...


  1. Hopefully the house issues will come to an end soon--and I'll be over for cookies!

  2. Chocolate chip cookies always help everything go better

  3. Sounds like a busy day at your house, I'll have a glass of milk with my cookie, please.

  4. House = money pit. You are a wise woman to turn to the cookies for healing.

  5. cookies ALWAYS help!

  6. Congrats on your certification. I enjoy your blog. I have on my blog a photo of a piece of fabric I am trying to date if you want to take a look.

  7. Oh dear. I'm sure some of these people purposely find something wrong to keep them in employment for longer than necessary!

    Glad you had some comfort food.

  8. Chocolate chips cookies are good fer what ails ya!

    Sorry to hear about all the house issues and hope there is a quick and inexpensive fix...

  9. sure wish I could run over for a cup of coffee and a few cookies and make a few of those blocks with you
    I love how you added the solids in with the prints...
    great blocks...
    hey isn't there always something that needs repairing at the house?

  10. a typical day in the life of a quilter. cookies always help ease the pain of that sort of thing.!

  11. It's the pits when things are up in the air like that...but they will be resolved and although it is a big pain in the you-know-what you and your property will be better for it. Who knows what damage would happen if it didn't get caught now... ((hugs))

  12. I bet you can't wait for those workmen to be finished. At least you did bake something yummy, that must have helped. Wow, 700 posts, congratulations. I don't even count but I have to go look at my own blog now.


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