Saturday, May 19, 2012

Meant to be...

On one of the facebook antique quilt groups I follow they have had a discussion on items (usually quilts) that folks have had, sold or lost, then found again.  That hasn't happened to me with a quilt but it did happen with a painting.

At the time I was working for a TV station producing the 11 pm news.  My "lunch" was usually around 7 pm so most of the stores were closed.  There was one gallery that had some folk art on display.  One piece, with two women drinking coffee really spoke to me.  After visiting the window a couple of times I finally went into work a few hours early so I could talk with the gallery owner.  Imagine how upset I was when "my" piece wasn't in the window.  The owner said it had been sold.  I just told myself it wasn't meant to be.

A few months later one of my reporters said she wanted to do a story on a local artist whose paintings had been in a national magazine. It was a slow news-day.  When she came back and I reviewed her tapes imagine my surprise...there was my painting.  This was the man who painted "my" painting.

So the next morning I drove out to the middle of nowhere, down a long dirt road further into nowhere, past the signs saying beware of nowhere...until I found the little barn and honked the horn the specified number of times...some sort of don't shoot me code.    Needless to say I was so happy to see "my" painting.  Mr. Jones said things hadn't worked out well with the gallery so he brought all his work home but he was happy (I guess) to sell it to me.


  1. woohoo, such a wonderful painting - so glad you got it!

  2. It was meant to be. Hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't honked your horn.

  3. Love it when things come together like that! : )

  4. What a great story! And the painting is awesome!

  5. Amazing coincidences with a happy ending. Gotta love that :)

  6. That's a wonderful story!

  7. It definitely had your name on it. Some things are meant to be.

  8. I love outsider found a wonderful piece that was obviously meant for you...


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