Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Two new-to-me quilts

Lately I've wanted a few brighter southern quilts and today I got a couple!

They came from an estate of two sisters in North Carolina.  They look as if they were made by the same person.  Both of the sisters, who lived well into their 90's, were quilters so it is hard to say who made these. (the orange is the same fabric in just photographs differently due to the fabrics around it.)

The colors in both are very bright.  The red and yellow triangles seem to be from an earlier time period than the orange and shirting used as sashing and cornerstones.  The quilting is large but even.  Binding is back to front (see that a lot in southern quilts.)

The red wedding ring fits my bright requirement (plus I did not have a wedding ring quilt and so it fills that hole in the collection.)

The quilting on this is also large stitch. It looks as if the quilter used a variegated thread for the quilting!

Since I had only seen photos of these when I bought them I was very happy to find they are in good condition and very clean.  A couple of days airing out on the porch and they will be fine!


  1. Very bright, cheery quilts. I bet it is a relief when things you purchase from photos turn out to be as you hoped. I bought an accordian once online and it had a horrible musty smell. Never could get rid of the odor. Also bought an out-of-print quilt book once that smelled awful--almost had to soak it in Febreze and leave it outside forever. It still has a faint odor. That has left me nervous about online purchases of used items. Glad your purchase was more successful--they are such fun quilts!

  2. Ever since Bonnie Hunter did her Orange Crush mystery (and I made it) I have LOVED orange in quilts. These are great! Thanks for sharing.

  3. These are both wonderful quilts, but that orange one is AWESOME! Lucky you!

  4. The quilts are great finds, I love the colours of them and DWR is such a great pattern.

  5. Love that heart warming orange!!

  6. Very nice! I like the orange a lot.

  7. Quite a find and very colorful. When do you think these quilts were made? Surely they were both made by the sisters, I take it that there were no labels.

  8. Wow! What great finds. Love those hst's going every which way. Never seen a red wedding ring. It's fabulous!

  9. Wow...two incredible quilts from the same source? Amazing... congratulations on your latest acquisitions!!!

  10. Wow they are beautiful I love them......

  11. Wow they are beautiful I love them......

  12. Ooh, very nice! Where are you planning on stashing these? ;)

  13. love love love love 'em. absolutely fabulous. so glad you got them!!!!!!

  14. Yea I am not the only one making orange quilts. My wife gave me such grief when I made a orange quilt. I just love yours great job.


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