Monday, May 07, 2012

UFO vs. Scrap vs. trash

The sewing studio reorganization continues but first some fun stuff....

I've posted before that I am working on Sprigs and Stars, a pieced and appliqued quilt designed by Kim McLean.  Yesterday I got together with my two friends who are also working on one - on these long projects it helps to have other quilters keep you on track.  The block on the left in the photo above is my block.  The one on the right it Paula's.   Amazing how different they are no?!  She is using red wool for the background on all her applique and doing lots of decorative stitches including some beads.  Me...I'm using a bit of everything in my stash on a wide variety of off white and shirting backgrounds.

I have cleared a path in the sewing studio and have done all the measurements to make sure the new layout works.  I even posted a list on the door with the order things have to happen in...nice to see I haven't lost any of the old project management skills.

I continue to find UFO's...amazing.  I am however getting better about letting go of fabric I have had for over 6 years and still have no plan to use.  What I'm finding interesting is I have less problems letting go of yardage (like the two yards of the Japanese women that I had to have back in the mid-90's but then never used....) but the sandwich bags of scraps, the shoeboxes of scraps, the shopping bags of scraps...well, those I'm having a harder time letting go of!  I'm having my own little episode of hoarders here....
My colors but not my style of fabric anymore....
Some of the bags have notes on them...not enough organization to warrant calling them a UFO but that post-it note raises the baggy from trash to scraps.  Like the one with lots of purple, pinks, reds, and green scraps that has a note "Black berries."  How can it be trash when they were obviously gathered together with a purpose...right?  Don't remember doing it...don't remember what the purpose or design was but I'm pretty sure it included berries and was done while I lived in England.  That is good enough for time I see a pattern for blackberries I am soooo ready!  Of course what are the chances at that moment I will be able to put my hands on the baggy...not so good.  But I am working on it!
Big bag and basket of scraps....
I do have some scraps going out to new homes.  Tonya asked for some cowgirl fabrics.  (I did a cowgirl quilt 4-5 years ago.)  As luck would have it I found those baggie!  She also asked for some Crown Royal bags.  (Don't get the wrong impression!  I once asked for one at the local VFW because I had seen another quilter use it as a bag for her featherweight foot.  Ever since then they save them for me...just imagine how many they had behind the bar waiting for me when I got back after 3 years in England!)  Well, you know the TV commercial "if it fits it ships."  Picture me standing in the middle of the post office stuffing the box with scraps!  (Be very careful when opening T!  I just have this picture of you cutting the tape and it popping open like confetti....) is a photo of the full moon last weekend over my house.  It was amazing!  Wish I had taken a few minutes to read my camera manual beforehand!  The animals (owls and frogs which are usually really noisy) were very quiet that night...just a little eerie.  The next lunar even is around the 20th of this month.  It will be a lunar eclipse.  Definitively will read the manual this time!


  1. I have been going through the same process. I also find it easy to let go of yardage and old fabrics that are no longer inspiring. But those scraps are like gold! Love your appliqué block. Hope you keep going with that.

  2. Those 2 applique blocks are lovely - so interesting to see them side by side. They will make 2 different but marvelous quilts one day :0)

  3. I love Sprigs and Stars. If I did applique it would definitely be on my list. I love how unique each quilt can look--even when using the same pattern. That is why I don't do kits. I want a quilt that looks like me, even if thousands of other people make the same pattern.
    Your sewing room makeover is inspiring--love the list on the door idea.

  4. I think us quilters could have a great reality TV show, part Hoarders, part Wife Swap and part Project Runway. You would get someone else's sewing room, have to sort & organize their stuff and make quilts! Wouldn't that be fun to watch?
    Like Nifty, I have a hard time parting with my scraps... that's how I roll, mostly. Also have kept all my Mary Engelbreit Home Companion Magazines

  5. I agree, the yardage of certain things can go, but the scraps never!!! :)

  6. You inspire me-----I am really going to tackle my sewing room.

  7. I have no problems with tossing scraps, but absolutely LOVE the Japanese fabrics. Most of mine are too pretty to cut up!! Different strokes, eh?

  8. I'm looking forward to the cowgirls!!! And I'm sure I can do something fun with the bags too. yup, scraps are more valuable than yardage...

  9. Interesting post...I must admit I'm in agreement...I can let yardage go, but nothing beats a bag of scraps! :o)

    Love the moon picture.. try a shorter exposure! Yes.. shorter. :o) Just because it is at night doesn't mean a slow exposure..think how bright that moon is. Try Aperture 16 and an exposure of 1/100. I didn't catch the supermoon here though I do think it affected people...they've all gone loonie!

  10. I am exactly the same! I love it how you said that the fabrics had gathered together for a purpose and even had a name...of course you can't throw those away!


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