Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Back from Quilt Study...

                                                    A unique chintz applique block from a quilt at the IQSC&M
I am back from the American Quilt Study Seminar in Lincoln.  I haven't unpacked yet so this will be a short post...more photos than writing (I know you'd rather the pictures!)
                                                                Two quilts from the Indigo Exhibit at the IQSC&M
If you are interested in quilt history but never been to seminar you really need to treat yourself and check it out next year (it is in Charleston, SC which is a great spot too!)  The seminar is broken up into many types of events...
                                                                In the work room at the study center...
First there are tours.  This year I took tour of the International Quilts Study Center and Museum...the staff there were really great.  Not only did we see the exhibits hanging in the three galleries but we got a behind the scene tour...and who doesn't like that!
                                                                       Storage area of the Study Center....
Then there are study centers that this year ranged from World War II Quilts with Sue Reich, Beauty Secrets: 150 years of History in One Quilt Pattern with Bill Volckening, to Digital Imaging/Imagining: The 21st Century.   There was a long list of study centers so something for everybody!

There are research paper presentations that also span a wide range of topics.  The papers are published in AQSG's annual Uncoverings.  And yes,  there is more...
                                                                  Julie Silber running the live auction....
                                                                   The "Julietes" who help with the auction....
              My table doing its part to keep the bidding going...money goes to the American Quilt Study Group
There are roundtable discussions.  I went to the one on 300 years of plaids and was excited to see Roberta Horton and her sister attending!  There were also posters sessions where ongoing research was presented.  A book sale, a vendor area, a silent auction, a very not-silent live auction, and two exhibits - Quilt Study: Quilt Revival, and Pot-of-Flowers.
                                                         Sandra Starley and her Mom at the Quilt Revival Exhibit
There is also a show and tell night....

                                             Bill Volckening with an amazing applied Chintz which he is researching....
                                                                   Mary Bywater Cross with a wool quilt....
                                                            Cindy Rennels with a gorgeous Russian Sunflower....
So I hope you got the picture...there was a lot to do.  This doesn't even include the time just talking quilts with anyone you meet at breakfast, in the elevator, in the van on the ride to the airport....no wonder my brain is just a bit tired...but very happy!


  1. I know you had a great time... what lovely quilts! Love history and quilt history stuff must be great fun!

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    what fun!! I will have to try to go next year

  3. wheee loads of fun. that wool quilt is striking...

  4. Wow, I imagine your brain could get overloaded with so much to do and see. I would have loved to hear Mary Bywater Cross. Love the historical perspective of quilting.

  5. I hope you realize I'm gonna snag that picture of me and use it! Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you the credit. :)

  6. Sounds like you had an amazing action-packed time! Hope you get some well-deserved rest (although I imagine you are dreaming quilts at the moment!!)

  7. You got to do the plaid round table! Thank you so much for putting these pics in a post. I'm swooning.

  8. It sounds like a fantastic experience Sio- I love hearing about antique quilts- they are not readily available around here so it is fun to see the photos and hear any stories that go with them.
    I love the Russian Sunflower quilt.
    Thanks for sharing your journey.
    Warmest regards,

  9. Soooo delightful meeting you! Thanks for the picture

  10. Soooo delightful meeting you! Thanks for the picture


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