Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Packing time!

When I used to pack a suitcase weekly (sometimes multiple times a week!) for work it was easy.  From start to finish it was a done deal in under 15 minutes!  Now that I only pack 6-7 times a year it takes me forever...
                                                                           Brownie "helping" to pack.....
I am heading out to Lincoln for the American Quilt Study Group Seminar (AQGS.)  I haven't attended one in several years so I am really excited.  So much to learn and see.  Plus I get to meet folks that I have "known" via my blog and facebook!
                                                                  Maryland Applique Crib Quilt circa 1840
So first there is the problem of what clothes to pack...then what projects to bring to work on in the room and during at least one long wait in the airport and then finally what to bring for show and tell....Needless to say my closet it now turned up-side down only to be rivaled by the antique quilt collection which is now draped across every surface of the house...well, except for the kitchen...

                                                                                 Strippy star, circa 1920
In addition to getting myself ready I have to get things organized for my DH back here at home.  He is doing much better and is even back to work 3-4 days a week.  However, he still gets tried quickly and is limited on what he can eat.  So I am making him a menu to use while I am gone (the ingredients are all in the cupboards.)  Last night he finally gave himself his own shot and this morning made his own oatmeal...there was much grumbling involved but it came out fine.


  1. With antique quilts like those hanging around I wouldn't get much packing done either :0) I enjoyed your pictures this morning - thanks! Good luck with your packing.

  2. Wishing you a safe trip, and a good report on hubby's well-being. I have a hubby like that.........we baby them a bit and it's hard for them to step up and take it back.

  3. Beautiful quilts! Glad your hubby is doing better. Have fun in Lincoln!!

  4. yay, I'm so glad you get to go! have a fab time!

  5. Sounds like it will be a wonderful trip--if you ever get packed between getting hubby set and all the help from kitty while you try to make decisions. : )

  6. Have a great time and enjoy all your friends. Must be interesting to be around all those antique quilts and quilters.------Well, the quilters aren't antique, but you know what I mean.

  7. Pack something warm! Our weather is taking a turn, and not for the better. Winter is on its way!


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