Thursday, February 21, 2013

Back-up in the binding aisle...

One more side of binding and I will have a finish for this year!  And more importantly it is actually one from my list!!!  Double whoop-whoop!

I two others in the binding que...debating if I should wait until I get my machine with the walking foot fixed first.  The needle will not move to the center.  I had to cut my bias binding a bit wider for the current quilt to make up for the extra 1/16 of an inch the needle is off.  It may not sound like much but when you consider the binding is folded in half that means and extra 1/8 of an inch!

And it isn't as if I don't have other machines that I can use!  Just getting lazy like the Goldie here...

Who thinks her job is to guard the quilts by napping on them...

Back to the binding issues...for one of these I planned ahead and made the binding when I finished the quilt top.  So organized you say?  In theory perhaps.  I put the binding away somewhere safe so I wouldn't use it on another quilt...'nuff said?  I think I'll bite the bullet and make more black binding...not like I'll never need it again!


  1. Oh that's awesome on your way to a finish for the year and sure, you could pull out another machine but why when there are things to do like look cute? Goldie is such a wonderful girlie. I like the quilts she chooses. Great taste. BTW, what happened to the walking foot?

  2. Congrats on getting down the home stretch.
    I don't like doing the binding without a walking foot--always bunches on me.
    If Goldie ever retires, I'll take her job! : )

  3. I really really hate loosing pre made backing, binding or the special fabric I purchased for either! I have taken to using the big clear zip bags (that manchester come in)to keep on the parts together, so my stop start process on a quilt doesnt result in so much searching the whole house for a missing piece!

  4. Ah yes that old chestnut about putting stuff safe!! It gets us all :)
    Glad to see you're getting a UFO off that list and it's important for our cats to 'test' the comfiness of a quilt.

  5. Cats are very good judges of the best napping spots. Soft quilts seem to their first choice.

  6. "somewhere safe" : my nemesis!

    Congrats on getting one off the "to-do" list!

  7. I always like to make my binding in the middle of the quilt's progress--usually when I'm stuck on a piecing step I either don't like or when I am stalling on deciding how to quilt it :) My feline supervisor also guards my quilts--wherever she is, a handmade quilt is usually under her :)

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one to put something away to keep it safe! One day I'm gonna find a giant pile of safely-kept stuff! ha!

  9. Goldie looks like an old sweetie, as does that 1930's reproduction fabric and the Orca Bay. Hope we get to see them soon!

  10. I don't even want to talk about binding!!!!
    I should make the binding when I make the quilt but what fun is that???? LOL


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