Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Make way for the new table....

I am still hard at work cleaning, sorting, and rearranging my sewing space.  My friend Paula came over this morning and together we made the final decision on layout (I think I had looked at the options so long my brain had turned to mush!)  Anyway...we have a plan!  And I have to move on it as the table arrives tomorrow night!

So far I have about half the furniture is tough since first I have to empty it, then move it, then refill it with all the "stuff."  I do have two bags of fabric or tops or projects filled.  One is going to my guild and the other is mainly vintage stuff that will go to the American Quilt Study Group for the silent auction at seminar this fall down in Charleston.

The three photos above are from one of the tops for the AQSG...I've had it for years and it is a good fabric study piece, and unusual pattern, and in good shape but it never seems to make the cut when I pack for programs so it needs to find a new home.

I'm good about being stricter this far I've packed up one from the turn of the century, one from the 30's and another from the 50's....

This one is on the edge...I've put it in the bag twice and twice I've taken back and put it on the shelf...humm. I like the variety of fabrics in it but it is dark and I've started to enjoy brighter quilts more...

I just rotated the quilt in the living room and put up this turn of the century log cabin...even this feels brighter than the top...

Ah well, enough procrastinating!  Back to moving...folding...packing...


  1. I can feel the excitement in the air for the arrival of the new table!
    Oh, that is such a pretty log cabin!

  2. I had to smile at the putting things in bags to give away and then taking out again.. I do that!
    Sounds like this new table is going to be a good thing in many ways - how exciting!!!

  3. yes, the log cabin is lovely and light. that square in square does have some fun pink and orange though...

  4. New table sounds wonderful. Love the log cabin with the striped fabric.

  5. What a fabulous logcabin block arrangement in your wall quilt, I love this!!!!! A new table sounds great, I have three of them in my sewing room and still don't have enough table-top space!!!

  6. Yes, I'm excited for the new table too!! You inspire me to get going with a decision I have been mulling over.....moving my sewing space back upstairs and reclaiming our master bedroom DOWN stairs. I too struggle with the layout and to which room upstairs to put it in. BESIDES, it's SOOOOO much work!!!

    Glad to see you have a plan and are moving toward will be sooo rewarding!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing the quilts. I so love seeing vintage quilts. These are beautiful. Hugs


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