Monday, May 27, 2013

Long weekend....

Usually on Memorial Day I would help serve breakfast at the local VFW.  This year my legs are a bit unpredictable so instead I'm taking the day off and staying safely in my sewing-room.  (The last thing I need to be is around hot stoves and breakable items!)

The past few days I've moved more supplies back into the rearranged sewing room.  I am sort of amazed at just how much thread I've found!  I mean I'm used to dealing with my fabric stash but a thread stash?  Who knew...

in tin containers...

in drawers...

project bags...

on shelves...

and even in some containers made to hold thread....

I must buy thread every time I go into a fabric store!  So I am rounding it all up and putting it the new drawers in the sewing room.  Now it will be as easy to find it at home as in the store!


  1. yah, I hear ya. I have a ton of embroidery floss because I'd buy buy buy whenever I could find 5 skeins for a dollar. And when I was working a lot on threadies I added all sorts of rayons and metallics too - haven't used those in years... And why do I have 3 spools of hot pink quilting thread when I've never once used it for a project? At least you have a lot of pretty thread so it can be beautiful if nothing else.

  2. Shopping your thread stash is going to be so fun! And what a nice selection, too! :o)

  3. I have the same problem only worse. I have so many cones of machine quilting thread. It does help to have it all centrally located. Hugs.

  4. I just organized my thread earlier this year, and sometimes I just have to open the cupboard and stare at how wonderful it all looks! : )

  5. Excellent, a thread store at home! Hope the wobbly legs improve soon!


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