Friday, May 17, 2013


Today I brought both Brownie and Macbeth to the Vet.  Surprisingly they are more comfortable when the other is with them (otherwise Macbeth has to borrow one of the office cats to keep him company...)  The bad news it isn't like I planned it this way.

We are waiting on test results to come back on Brownie but though she hasn't been eating she has only lost a couple ounces.  She is back on picky cat food...(for that read expensive....)  She is so tiny even a few ounces makes a difference (6 pounds 2 ounces...)

Mac was put on antibiotics for a bladder infection.  We are also waiting on some more test results as he seems to be in a lot of pain and is really lethargic.

So I'm letting them both in the sewing room today.  Brownie has new basket near the window and Mac is sleeping on a quilt under the desk...that trip the vet has worn us all out.  (Except Dobby who just brought me a big live cricket...just what I needed!)

Feeling a bit too worn out to sew so instead I'm mindlessly cutting some Halloween fabric into tumblers.  I just got this tumbler template and the Halloween bin wouldn't close so....think if I take a row off of each fabric then they should fit.  Of course that means I'll have a shoe box full of Halloween tumblers to use as leaders and enders...bonus!!  Also I've made quite a little pile of 1-inch strips/strings to send Tonya for her stalled project...added bonus!

I sort of like how is coming along.  Think I need to add some more I looked at this I wonder - how did I end up with so many spider fabrics?


  1. Hope the pets get to feeling better real soon.

  2. Sorry that the very loved pets are sick. They have a great Mom to take care of them.

    Love the Halloween tumblers quilt. So fun!

  3. What a great leaders and enders project! Sorry that your pets are not well, hope that they get better soon.

  4. Poor Brownie and Macbeth. Hopefully they will get over what ails them soon. It's so worrying when they're not well, but at least you're accomplishing something with your cutting of fabric...

  5. Isn't Dobbie the thoughtful one? : )
    Hope the others get feeling better.
    I'm glad I am not the only one that works on things way out of season! Very cute little tumbler quilt!

  6. Your tumblers look like a lot of fun. I'm curious which template you are using. I just purchased one that has multi-sizes on it but haven't used it yet.
    Hugs to those sweet fur creatures. It is so tough when they are dealing with a health issue. I can never take my mind off them.

  7. It's not fun having to take the little furry ones to the Vet!! I had to take my sweet dog Shali in yesterday for her annual needles, she loves the trip into town but hates the vet and just shakes and trembles, poor little thing.....
    My other dog Tia too, had cystitis and was on antibiotics for a couple of weeks. I'll have to try and catch another speciman on our walk very soon, it's quite funny, every time she squats I have to try and catch the stream with the little speciman jar, the vet wants to make sure the infection has cleared up!!!!
    Good luck with your tumbler project!

  8. wheeee, Halloween!!!!! that quilt is going to be fun! at least the vet visit went well, fingers crossed the results are good.

  9. The socks that go missing in the dryer turn into spider fabrics and migrate to your sewing room.

  10. Hope everything turns out for the best. It's so hard to see our furbabies no feeling well. Just like with little kids, or babies, they just don't know why they
    Love the Halloween piece you have started :)

  11. Prayers and concern for your much loved 4-legged companions. Love the tumbler quilt. My daughter got me a template from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. for Mother's Day. I want to start cutting out tumblers (or Crumblers, as they call it) soon.


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