Saturday, August 31, 2013

Will ever finish binding?

Right now I feel as if the answer to the question if I will ever finish all the quilt binding I have piled up is "no!"

After making what felt like miles of scrappy gray binding for my jumping 9-patch I decided that combining scrappy binding with a piano key border is just piling seams on seams...too bulky and too messy.  So I went back to the fabric piles and pulled a blue, teal and green fabric with coffee themes sayings on it.  The print is tiny and gives the first impression of being it.  So now I think I may name this quilt the "Caffeine Jitters!"

Next in line is my "Ribbon Candy" aka Smith Mountain.  This was quilted by Joyce Greer of "One Loose Thread."This is another pieced border so I think I'll stay away from scrappy binding...unless of course I have some large pieces to pull from.

Maybe some scrappy blue... again? !

So where are all these bright color choices coming from?  My most recent antique quilt acquisitions all seem to be along this line too...

I got this to earlier this the fabrics and the varied solids.  Looks like it could come right out of a Kona Cotton ad!

The squares finish up at 1-1/2

and it is entirely hand pieced..


  1. all sorts of beautiful quilts! woohoo! if you run out of binding and find yourself bereft, you can help with mine. ba hahaha

  2. Love the ribbon candy quilt! So pretty and colorful.

  3. All the quilts are beautiful. I guess you are on a color kick this year. They are all very cheerful and lively. I like the blue/green binding.

  4. Each of these three quilts--whether new or vintage--is so fun!
    I had never considered the problem of multiple seams and extra bulk on scrappy binding and a pieced border.

  5. bindings...I gave up I still have quite a few to do....
    good luck
    love your latest acquisition! I have wanted to make one of those quilts for awhile now.
    still thinking of pie plate quilt

  6. The only thing I like less than doing binding is the label... ;)

    Beautiful quilts, all of them! Hang in there with the binding... you'll get done!

  7. "A-binding we will go,
    a-binding we will go,
    Heigh ho da-dario,
    a-binding we will go!"

    Your binding choices are right on target, good job! Keep up the good work!

  8. I love sewing down binding when I have time to just slowly stitch it on, but binding under pressure certainly takes the fun out of it! However, these are such fabulous quilts that you just know when they're bound they'll look even better! And I agree that the (jittery) coffee binding works a treat!


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