Sunday, September 15, 2013

What to do...

Do you ever find yourself looking at a quilt and saying to yourself, "I should like this quilt but I don't."

That is what has happened to me with this string star quilt that I bought a few months ago.  It is string...I love strings.  It has a lot of red...I love red.  So why isn't this working for me?

I think it is the red in the string pieces doesn't work with the red in the outside...makes the star look too fractured for me.  (trust me it looks better in photos than in real life...)

The stars in the corners don't have any solid red pieces and I like those a lot.

I could applique some vintage fabrics over the solid reds in the stars.  Could be a lot of work.  Or I could take out the corner stars and half square setting pieces and replace them with a different solid - orange or yellow perhaps?  Less work than the applique and it would give me four stars I really like to put together into a wall-hanging or some pillows.  Third option is to do nothing and either wait and see if I like it better next time I pull it out of the closet or to sell it to someone who can decide what they want to do with it....

Meanwhile Dobby doesn't understand what all the fuss is about...


  1. What about quilting through the center area with e offense reds with a neutral or light colored thread? Use a red in the outer area where you like the background. That lighter colored thread may help to blend those reds in much better so they won't stand out so sorely. Maybe?

  2. I vote for taking out the orange/red corner pieces and putting in a new background. My eye wants to travel from those solid reds in the star to the outside.

  3. I thought the same thing as Heather. My Gramma used to say "Quilting hides a multitude of sins". I like it even though the reds in the center star do, as you said, make it look a bit fractured.

    I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be lovely though! :D

  4. Just my opinion, but seems to me you have a lot of projects you want to get done/are already working on. I think you need to take your last choice. Put it away for a while. When it sees daylight again and you still can't fall in love with it, sell it. Use your precious time to work on the projects you are looking forward to completing! Again, just my humble opinion...

  5. Bummer. I see what you mean about the red pieces. I loved the quilt until you pointed out that! Applique over them wouldn't be too much work.

  6. mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine.

  7. Tonya just solved your problem! : )

  8. I agree with the 2 comments above, sell it to Tonya and use the money to buy something you do like. Or chop it up (naughty me!!!) Because I find the whole quilt so busy, I would need some place for my eyes and mind to rest in a quilt like that. Just my thoughts....

  9. Remove the corner squares and side triangles that you like and use for something else. Add navy blue to set off the lone star.

  10. Remove the corner squares and side triangles that you like and use for something else. Add navy blue to set off the lone star.

  11. probably seemed like a good idea but not when executed....too bad, so much work.....

  12. I go for sending it to Tonya! But perhaps you want a challenge? I have, on occasion, actually thrown out, some items that I found in Garage Sales. There are reasons they went to Garage Sales - too much work to "fix".

    Now just watch, you will spend time with it, redo, remake and it will turn out absolutely wonderful! I'll be watching for whatever.

  13. I'm with the masses..pass it on to Tonya... :o) The time and effort you could spend trying to like it you could be on to something new.


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