Monday, November 18, 2013

Slipping by!

This hasn't been a good month for posting for me...October just sort of wore me out!

Also having to deal with lots of med changes so day to day having trouble figuring out just what and how much I can do...grrrr.

On the up side the weather in Georgia is beautiful so I can enjoy sitting out on the deck and doing a bit of stitching!  We took a weekend trip up to Sapphire Valley in N.C. (which is where the photos above were taken.)  Nice and cool out up there!

I am working on an applique project that I can't post photos of yet.  I am also working hard to clear a path in my sewing room.  Thinking of rearranging quite a bit of the house over the next couple of months...too much "stuff!"  I need to stop pretending I don't need two rooms for all my sewing/quilting and antique quilts.  I am finally formally taking over half of the library (which really should have been called the book storage room!)  I'm not sure how Goldie, my cat,  is handling the changes...she just manages to be in the middle of every pile I find!

Also we started work on the next Guild donation quilt.  It is applique (of course) with some piecing.

The colors are a bit like French country (think if Vera Bradley made an applique quilt....)  This red fabric from Moda is the "inspiration" fabric.  Proceeds from the quilt go to Camp Rainbow, a camp for children with cancer.  About half of the blocks have been kitted up and this week I'll draw the borders.  Lots of folks working on this quilt and we need to get the kits into their hands in good shape on this one!


  1. Isn't fall beautiful... esp in the NC mtns! So glad you two could get away for some R&R... after that quilt show, I know you must be worn out.

    Take care!

  2. I thought you weren't going to do so much work on the donation quilt this year! don't tire yourself out more than you have to. beautiful pics and I'm glad you got to be somewhere cool. Love to Goldie, stop moving her world around, darnit.

  3. Beautiful Fall photos. Ahh, to sit and stitch with that view!
    Sorry you've had a bad month. Hope you can regain strength soon, and enjoy your two room takeover. : )

  4. One thing is for sure - when there is a pile of quilts or fabrics, there you will find the cat! I've been singing that "too much" song here for awhile. It's so overwhelming. Just don't know where to begin. Your fall photos are beautiful!


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