Saturday, March 15, 2014

Quilt Day!

I know I am a few hours early but thought as I am on the computer...

Happy National/International Quilt Day!

Usually my guild gets together and has a sew in but next week we have Karen Stone coming for a trunk show and two workshops!  So we will "celebrate" later...

We also just met on of our guild members shared how she used photos for inspirations for her small applique and embroidery pieces...she does nice work!

I really liked her idea of keeping "doodle-clothes" to test out new stitches and to save them for reference later.

All the photos in this post are from the show and tell...always good!  (Thinking I may make one of these bags tomorrow!)


  1. Happy Quilt Day to you, too!

    Love that bag... might make a nice quick project for this weekend... hmmm....

    Have a great day!

  2. Happy Quilting Day to you too! Great colors in every photo :)
    I'll be stitching today for sure!

  3. Neat stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you for the pretty eye candy from your guild's show and tell! The lozenges look marvelous in the Civil War selections, good job! I sure do hope you are feeling better now from your last post, too.


Thanks for stopping by!