Saturday, May 10, 2014

time for the garden

Because of the summer heat there is a short window of time for me to actually work in the garden each year and now is that time!

Even with the slightly cooler temps (under 90 degrees) I have to limit the time for each work-session.  Nothing gets done quickly!  On top of that there are the garden hazards - namely red ants, poison ivy, snakes, hornets, and random frogs and turtles (that just surprise the heck out of ya!)  Since it is supposed to rain today I'm staying inside and hoping the bits, scratches and random itchy spots all heal!

Maybe I'll ever get some sewing done!

The blocks are starting to come in for out guild's next donation quilts (raises money for Camp Rainbow, a medical camp for children with cancer.)

I picked up a small quilt top on is a good fabric study piece!
and how can you not love those big polka dots on the border!

I also got some blocks...seem to have a circular theme going through my collection right now!

These I will make into something...have several ideas floating right now!

Above is an ebay "not so hot" purchase.  Believe me it photographs much better than it looks in person.  I will use it however to inspire a new quilt so I'm not totally unhappy!

Little Watson is growing quickly!  He is looking much more like a terrier now (He was a rescue so not entirely sure what he will turn out to me!)  His hair is filling in so no more bald spots.  He and the cats have come to an understanding (even Dobby!)  This just may all work...


  1. Oh my goodness, Watson is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing his cute face, and the quilt finds a nice too. :)

  2. Yuck - stay away from all of those creepy crawlies and the poison ivy! It's all of those things that make me not mind winter so much! I love the donation block - it's really nice. Also gotta love a good (and maybe even a not-so-good) e-bay find. Watson is adorable - glad the furry friends are working out their differences!

  3. Wow you sure have gardening hazards!! Just love the guild donation quilt block - beautiful!

  4. I admire your pluck in braving the garden hazards!
    That is a gorgeous block--can't wait to see this quilt come together.
    What is wrong with the not-so-great ebay find that is really not apparent from the photo?
    That is such a precious little face!! : )

  5. Watson is a little cutie! Glad the pets are starting to get along - that makes life much easier.

    Your garden flowers are so beautiful! I haven't done any gardening yet, besides planting a few seeds. We're still cold and rainy. Next week will be nice, so I'll try to get some plants in.

    You've got some great eye-candy for us to see! I like your ebay find.

    I've got an older quilt on my blog right now. Would you mind taking a look at it and seeing if you could tell me the name of the pattern? I've never seen one quite like it before. I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

  6. Watson is adorable and the newest donation quilt looks to be another beauty!! We have the same issues with garden work here in N. TX--if it ain't done early, it ain't gettin' done!! HA

  7. We went straight from late winter to summer here this week... sweaters one week and 90+ degrees the next. Not much gets done in the yard when it's this hot...

    Lovely flowers you have there... and Watson is indeed growing fast!

  8. Watson IS adorable !

    Could you tell me what the tall blue flower is? Your roses are beautiful....mine are opening half-eaten or something !


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