Saturday, October 18, 2014

Getting Ready for Halloween

Since it is October and the weather is now cool in the mornings I went ahead and put out some of the Halloween decorations...

I have two more Halloween quilts in various stages of UFO...I hope to get at least one of them finished this month!

For some reason my DH doesn't love the holiday nearly as much as I do so I slip a few decorations in every few days...

Though I have accepted the ban on dressing the pets...


  1. The witch on the pumpkin fabric I see in your quilt looks like the fabric I bordered one of my witches with.

  2. You certainly have some festive quilts for the occasion.
    Since my youngest (who was born 2 days before Halloween), grew up and moved out, I don't decorate as much for Halloween. I tend to do more Fall decorating, with a few Jack-o-lanterns thrown in for good measure. : )
    I'm curious to see your two other Halloween WIP.

  3. Love the little pumpkin head figure. I've got some Halloween out mainly because I have bunco Monday night!! HA

  4. the pets thank you for not dressing them in humiliating costumes... whee, love the halloween decorations - really make me miss my own, all in storage.


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