Sunday, January 11, 2015

Holiday takedown

The last of the santas, elves and angels has been wrapped up and packed away.  (Though I'm sure in July I'll find one hiding on a shelf somewhere!)
(red, white and blue went up early in support of the French)
It is fun to change up the quilts on the walls.  (yes, I put up Christmas one for the month of December!)

This little churndash I bought at a guild silent auction.  It brightens up a corner of the kitchen.

Of course doing all this I came up with another project.

I put this doll bed with a quilt out under the Christmas tree every year.  This year it started wiggling a bit too much (may have had something to do with a fat cat that liked to sleep on it...)

So I took off the canvas and am going to brace up the sides a bit.  Debating painting it....what do you think?  Bright red...lime green....hummmm...


  1. Love the red, white, and blue quilt. I'm glad the French finally got the terrorists. Now they can start to heal from the loss of innocent citizens. Your doll bed is precious. I don't think I could bring myself to paint it though.

  2. Yes, most definitely bright red. I'm sure the kitty will sleep better on a red bed! LOL

  3. I love the RWB block with its many pieces sashing and cornerstones. Lucky you for finding the little tumbler quilt. It is very nice. I wouldn't bring myself to paint the bed just yet. When I paint a piece of furniture it's because the wood is no longer nice. Just saying.

  4. Everything's better with a coat of red in my way of thinking!! :-) Naughty fat cat! LOL

  5. Oh, there is that R/W/B quilt again that I absolutely love. I think I pinned it last time you shared it. That is on my "definitely do" bucket list!
    Cute little tumbler quilt. Makes me realize I need a quilt in my kitchen.
    I'm a natural wood kinda gal, so I probably wouldn't paint it, myself, but I've seen some awfully cute doll beds in a variety of colors. Maybe you should ask the cat what it would prefer. : )

  6. I just love your red, white and blue quilt! And what a cute little doll bed - red is my favorite color, but personally, I would leave it as is!

  7. Love the doll bed. No, I wouldn't paint it, as I like natural wood!

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