Tuesday, February 24, 2015

cold, cold, cold...

I feel like such a wimp complaining about the cold here in Georgia when there are feet of snow in other parts of the country.  But it is cold and wet and I am so tired of walking the dog 8 times a day...

OK, that is it for whining...Above is a quilt my husband brought home from an estate sale.  I can't complain as it was only $7.  It is so late 1970's to early 80's.  The mauve and pale blue are strong clues!  I remember having a difficult time finding brighter fabrics when I first started quilting in the 80's.

This isn't my usual decade to collect.  There are some things I like about it.  The pattern is unusual (though it may have come from a magazine.)  The quilter was brave and machine quilted circles of different sizes all over the quilt.   As I remember there were fewer folks machine quilting back then.

The sorting and folding continues.  Finding some interesting stuff in the piles...like, these yellows.  Had no idea I had so much yellow and orange repro fabrics!  The same thing has happened with purple...
The yellow make me look forward to spring...just like this lone daffodil in my front yard!


  1. I feel bad whining about not having snow when I know there are so many people buried in it. : )
    That is a very interesting quilt. I've not seen anything like it before.
    Yellow/cheddar and purple are colors I love to include in my quilts. Since they can be harder to find than other colors, I snatch them up when I find them.

  2. hello from Siberian CT lol
    great find at $7. It looks beach balls to me
    the daffodil is a welcome sight!!

  3. Hello from SC where it is so cold and drizzled all day long. Just a couple more degrees and we could have had snow! I am whining too! That is an interesting quilt. Seems to have an optical illusion (or maybe it's just me...). Although all the 'pie' pieces in each circle are equal sizes....the ones in the two-color circles appear to be larger than the pie pieces in the multi-colored circles.

  4. All I can think of is Trivial Pursuit when I see that quilt. It does fit in the circle theme. Sorry it's been cold. Make dh walk that dog!

  5. Daffodils? I have at least thee feet of snow on my front lawn. The only daffodils I see are the ones in a pot I purchased at the grocery store. Lucky you. Flowers in your yard, now! Sincerely, Paula K.

  6. I am also from Georgia, and I am sick of winter weather too. I think what you are accustomed to has a lot to do with it. It has been cold and nasty compared to what we are used to. Although, I know we have it so much better than other parts of the country.


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