Sunday, March 22, 2015

National Quilt Day...or weekend!

Duh!  I forgot to post and wish you all a great National Quilt Day!  So I'm a day late...but still working on the same project...

I hope to have this Charleston Basket (photo above) ready for our Quilt show in November.  It will be a stretch but I'll keep on stitching!

Also, since we are in the Spring state of are some photos of another basket quilt.

This one is from Waynesborough Georgia.  Best know as the "birddog capital of the country" and some great pecan orchards.

I brought this with me to show Pat Sloan since she had commented on it in a Vintage quilt facebook group I posted it in.

I think the blocks were made by a group with different quilters stitching on each block.  The embroider varies greatly and the placement of the flowers is all over the place!

I think this was made circa 1930.  I like quilts made from that time period that aren't too pastel.  This has enough black and red to keep it from being too "cute."  I may just stitch a sleeve on this and hang it up on the wall for Easter!  Also, I need to keep it out to trace off a pattern for a friend in my guild who would like to reproduce it...maybe I'll make a block as a pillow...hummmm.


  1. Interesting to look at the photos of the blocks enlarged and see the variety in the stitching. It would certainly make a good Easter/Spring wall covering! : )

  2. so happy to see this in person!


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