Sunday, May 03, 2015

Pansey flower theme...

I know I'm not supposed to buy fabric as I am still trying to fit my stash into the new sewing space but...

I saw this new fabric from  Philip Jacobs with these pansies on it and "needed" a yard.  Didn't realize until I looked around that I like pansies so much!

They are on some of my Polish pottery...

By my front door...

And in some of my old fabric stash that I have been sorting this week!

Writing this was a nice break from the pressing, moving, sorting...all the stuff that goes with setting up my sewing space again.  I feel as if I'm making a commercial for back-pain medication!


  1. I love that pansy fabric you bought! Now I want some too! Who doesn't love pansies? They looks so cheerful, like little faces.

  2. I collected a lot of pansy fabric once upon a time. Finally used most of it for a quilt for DD#2. That is a very pretty new one you purchased!
    I hope the back pain meds commercial doesn't have to go on much longer. : )

  3. The fabric needs to be collected as you find it!! A good reward for all your back breaking work. I am doing the same thing. Fabric weighs a lot!! Furniture moving was a lot easier, when I was younger!!


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