Sunday, July 05, 2015

Help in the sewing studio

My husband called from a charity store and asked if I might be interested in a vintage sewing machine.  Silly question!

So he brought home my first Bernina!  Best of all - she works!  And she was just $10!   I brought her to the local dealer to have a check over and with a bit of cleaning and oil she humms...
some handkerchiefs that were tucked in with some sewing instructions...

She is all metal and weighs a "ton" but since she will be a studio machine that is fine.  She came with two extension beds too.  I'm going to keep a walking foot on her and use her for putting on bindings and some small project quilting.
Watson in his "All American" t-shirt...
One of my MS things makes it difficult for me to change out feet on my machines.  Having a "permanent" walking foot machine will make things a lot easier!  Now I just need to find a permanent spot in the room for her!  Also needs a name...she was made in Switzerland so I am thinking Heidi?


  1. Great buy!!! If I took it to my local (50 miles there and 50 mile back) dealer service guy it would have been an additional $120 just for a clean and a tune up.

  2. That is a great score! Perfect for your bindings. Your DH did a nice thing there :-)

  3. such a cute machine - love the blue. good luck finding a spot for it.

  4. Score!!!
    Hubby deserves a pat on the back for that one. Love the color--very calming. Good choice to make it a "permanent walker". And I think the name fits. : )
    Watson looks very stylish in his t-shirt.

  5. What a wonderful husband you have to support your sewing. A Bernina for $10 is quite the steal. Sewing Bliss...

  6. I have used a Bernina for over 15 years now. Putting binding on with the walking foot of that machine is very pleasant. You will need a nice size table to support the weight of the quilt while binding. Your machine is so clean it may not have logged much sewing time at all. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine.

  7. A lucky find indeed. Definitely worth having a pro service it. Understand about changing feet. I have arthritis and it can be a pain. No pun intended. :-)

  8. Congratulations! That’s a fabulous machine. Jealous!! :-D

  9. What a score! I had an 'old' metal Bernina and rue the day that I sold it. Hang on to it as long as it works. You won't be disappointed. Happy for you that you will have one machine to make your walking foot usage easier. Enjoy!

  10. I forgot to say the Bernina walking foot alone (if not a generic one)costs well over $100!! Now that's a deal.

  11. How cool is that? A new "old" Bernina. They just don't seem to wear out, especially the really older ones! Hope you enjoy it!

  12. Wow! A working Bernina for $10. Your hubby is a great "finder" of good stuff.

  13. I often think about you and the sewing machines that you bought here in the UK, when I'm out and about. I tell my husband "oh look, Yankee quilter has one of those that she bought in England". You may be gone from the UK but you're not forgotten 😊!


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