Saturday, July 04, 2015

VA Hospital quilts

A few months ago a chaplain at the local Veterans Administration Hospital approached the quilting guild I belong to and asked if we could make quilts for the long term care wards.
82 of the quilts on display at a local church...
Many of these vets are elderly and no longer have family that visit.  Making the institutional setting even bleaker.
Here in front are two of the quilts I made...Bonnie H. fans will recognize one!

So first our goal was 50..then 75...and come Tuesday when they are presented I believe we will be close to 90 quilts!  I'm really proud to be part of this guild...

I am madly putting the binding on the last one in my stack...a fitting project for the 4th of July I think!


  1. Outstanding! I am so happy for the veterans that will be receiving all these tokens of love...

  2. What a thoughtful donation to deserving veterans. Such a colorful display!!! Would be a more comfy church service, to have a quilt on the pew!! Have a great 4th of July!!

  3. Wonderful project and response. VA vet have special place in my heart, so i am touched by such wonderful quilts for them. A great 4th celebration. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Every one's a BEAUTY and I'm sure will be greatly appreciated!! We made quilts for the Fisher House when it first opened here and I've contacted them since but have been told 'they're good'. OK, I was ready to make more but happy to know they're taken care of.

  5. It was a blessing being a part of this project. The way PH rallied to get this done was quite inspirational. I loved following the progress on FB.

  6. Absolutely inspiring--and a very fitting project for you on the 4th. I agree wholeheartedly!

  7. Fantastic! And what a colorful display.
    Blessings on you and your guild.

  8. Well done!

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Thank you for honoring our veterans!

  10. Don't they look great? I'm cheered up just looking at the pic.


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