Saturday, September 26, 2015

Finally...I'm back!

After a tough summer I'm finally back!

It was a bad MS summer but I am recovering and getting back to quilting and blogging and all the other things I've missed doing!
Dobby is doing well and guarding the quilts!

So it shouldn't be any surprise that I am scrambling to finish some quilts for my quilt show this November!
Watson demanding face time with a vintage quilt top!

I committed to three entries but may try to finish two more...will know tomorrow afternoon if I can manage it!

I'm also still working on organizing my sewing room...still don't have it "right!"  One more big move and that will be it for awhile...need to spend more time sewing fabric than folding and moving fabric!

Scituate lighthouse, Sep 2015


  1. I, like many others I'm sure, have missed your posts. I was afraid it was because you were having 'issues' and hope they are behind you for awhile now. I can't imagine how tough that must be but you manage to carry on. Looking forward to your quilt show finishes and glad you're back.

  2. Nice to see you back! of Dobby and Watson always a treat.

  3. Sorry to hear Summer was hard on you this year. Hope Fall will suit you better and let you enjoy life more. So glad to hear from you again. Welcome back. TC ;^)

  4. I've been thinking of you. So glad to see you posting and I'm glad this summer is behind you. Hope the fall brings you good health and speedy sewing. Dobby and Wilson are sweet as ever.

  5. I'm glad you are rebounding, Sio. My daughter has had a rough MS summer as well.
    Wow--after all you have been through, you are trying to do MORE quilts than originally planned? You go, girl! Good luck getting it all pulled together.
    Do we get to see the studio in its current state? : )

  6. Good to hear from you and so glad that things are improving for you. This summer seemed much hotter that the last and I think that it wilted everybody's mojo. Hope your quilts get into the show and that we get to see them, too!

  7. Glad your bad summer is over! Creating your special place and spending time with needle and thread sounds like the best cure :)

  8. so glad you are feeling stronger and getting back to the activities you enjoy

  9. It was an awfully hot summer here in the south. The humidity was a killer. Fall should bring us moderation and some beautiful days. Looking forward to seeing your quilts and others in the No. Augusta show.


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