Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

My guild had a Valentine theme to our monthly meeting.

Lots of really creative folks.  The challenge was to make a bag/box for folks to put your valentines into...the winner was this very fun cardboard "sewing machine."

There were lot of fun entries!

And as always show and tell was interesting...from tiny sunbonnet sue's  (yes those are all appliqued and then hand-quilted!)

to Modern quilted projects...

an original quilt made from infant "one-sies"...another item to recycle!  This is called "You are my Sunshine."

to a quilt-top started at a Victoria Finley workshop several years ago...

to a very quiet and well behaved guild quilt dog! (dressed for the occasion!)

There was food too...lots of food.  This is the south after all!


  1. What a clever sewing machine Valentine box!
    Can't believe the tiny Sunbonnet Sues. How does anyone manage applique that tiny?
    A quilt from baby onesies? Really? I never saw that one coming!
    Your guild mascot doesn't look overly enthused about the wardrobe. : )

  2. looks like lots of creativity in your guild. thanks for sharing. How is the onsie quilt made? like a t-shirt quilt, with stabilizer on the back of the knits?

  3. looks like a good time was had by all...anxious to get moved south to enjoy some of that yummy hospitality!


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