Sunday, June 12, 2016

On the design wall

I'm jumping from project to project these days...

This is what is on the wall today...above is a quick table runner to use up some of those 5 inch charm packs that seem to multiplying in the studio.  (I'm blaming it entirely on Missouri Star and those daily deals....duh!)

Then there is this other pre-cut that uses 10 inch blocks...

and finally is this project.  This one has a long story...

Started out when I though "what a neat process" when I saw a women demo a technique to make these "easily."  So bought the pattern and the past few days have used ever nasty work I learned in the army.

cause this is what one of the first 5 blocks ended up like!  Easy my #@%!  So I went back to using my easy angle and in a few minutes had 4 perfect (ok almost perfect but perfectly useable!) blocks.

Not all techniques are right for all people (I know many quilters who have never gotten the hang of paperpiecing or needleturn applique!)  I like to think I will try just about any new method...but that doesn't mean I have to stick with it!


  1. Have you seen the pattern called Village? It is so darn cute and also uses 5" charm squares. It's caught on like wildfire because everyone seems to love picking up a pack here or there! I've only just started mine.

  2. Glad I am not the only one that struggles with bias seams! So how did the ruler help stop the wonky factor?

  3. I agree--not all techniques work for all people. Jumping on the bandwagon for every new tool that comes along can leave you with a lot of unused gadgets in your sewing room.
    Glad you figured out a way to make it work.

  4. Good point! (no pun intended) Try it (hopefully you didn't have to buy an expensive ruler) and then keep it or move on. I am left handed and I have found that many techniques work well for right handed quilters but NOT for left handed ones. I have a 6.5" square up ruler that only works with right handed quilters. The edge rulers don't work as well for left handed quilters either. Sure wish they did. Maybe my left brain can't re-orient itself to use the edge ruler. Oh well. I "sold" the ruler to my buddy and am happily trimming with my old 6.5" square up ruler.

  5. I so agree that the EZ angle and Companion angle rulers are worth their salt for making HST's and QST's. I get sucked in to buying those cute charm packs, too, LOL!


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