Sunday, September 04, 2016

Anyone else happy for Autumn?!

I'm was a long hot and difficult summer for me.  Not sure I've ever been so happy for Labor Day to come around!

Not going too far into the details (feel too much like I'm whining) but lets just say I went to the doctor for one thing and ended up having so much more for them to work on.  In some ways it was very lucky...but it made for a long hot summer.

So my DH celebrated September with some chocolate, fabric and pumpkin spice coffee.  He knows me well!  I go in this week for a follow-up and hope for a clean bill of health ( least nothing unexpected!)

So even though I wasn't as active in the sewing room as I'd like I did a few quilt-y things since I last posted.

This Singer came to live with me!  It was a fun project to take her apart and get her working again.  This is the model I learned to sew on!  Amazing how quickly muscle memory came to play...I threaded it without even thinking...

Her name is Bonnie...she sews really, really fast so I named her after Bonnie Hunter who used to come to the guild retreat and finish a quilt top before I had finished my morning coffee!

My wool group got together last week to start stitching again.

They are so creative

and productive.  Figured it should get me back into gear again!


  1. Oh I am so ready for Autumn! It has been one hot, humid summer here in northeast Tennessee. The past couple of days hinted at Autumn, now back up to upper 80s and lower 90s. My husband has been dealing with health issues the last two years, and it truly does add to the distress of hot weather. Hope you are well, and ready to get back to sewing. :)

  2. Looks like your kitty is ready to sew on the new machine! I personally cannot wait for autumn!!!

  3. Just glad you are back, I almost wrote to see how you were doing, but sometimes I feel like a pest. Take care. AND, you can talk to us. It is not whining when you share with friends. Liz, Airdrie AB

  4. Hope you are on the mend. I'd be ready to turn the page if I were you. Good luck with your doctor appointment. Even thought it's been hot and humid I've taken the time to savor this summer and swim as much as possible. So, I'm reluctant to see it end. Next week looks miserable so you'll find me in the pool again.

  5. Glad to hear you are on the mend. I, too, am sooo happy for fall. Sooner or later the swelling in my feet will go down and I'll be able to get my shoes on properly. Sorry for the whining... LOVE pumpkin coffee and the change of weather. Can't wait to work on some fall projects. Happy quilting!

  6. So happy you are feeling better and posting again. I've missed your reports. Sunday was such a beautiful day with lower humidity. I too am wishing for an extended fall and cooler temps.
    The wool projects are lovely.

  7. We were blessed with a wonderfully cool summer but I'm always happy for fall to roll around. It is still my favorite season by far! So glad to hear it will bring you some relief and renewed energy for sewing.
    Your new machine is sweet. Great name for it. I can only imagine what it is like to retreat with Bonnie Hunter. I would probably wouldn't get any sewing done...being too distracted just watching her go :-)

  8. Enjoy your new machine and hopefully a clean bill of health.

  9. I was starting to get worried!

  10. Hope things have leveled out for you. I have the same singer as you have. I set about cleaning out the tensioner and the parts spilled everywhere. I have found the manual on line but there is no picture on how the pieces go back together. Did you get that technical when you cleaned your machine? Sorry to bother.
    Enjoy your fall!

    Granny Anne

  11. I love vintage machines. Interesting that you learned to sew on one like your new vintage machine.

  12. Just found your blog for the first time. That is the same machine I learned to sew on, also! It was my Grandma's and I loved it. I really should try to pick one up on ebay - if I had room for it! Hope you enjoy yours!


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