Monday, September 26, 2016

Guild meeting

A few times a year my guild has a meeting where both the morning and the evening groups get together.  It is fun to see everyone in one place and or course it leads to some great show and tell!
Hexagon quilt made using the circle and fold method...
a 60th birthday quilt!
a quilt made from baby onesies....
a finished quilt from a Pat Sloan workshop we had last year!
a thank-you gift to our president showing Mt. Ranier, WA....
and food...

lots of food...

we also recognized our outgoing officers...
Polish pottery and fabric...what a great combo!

We also had another fund-raising weekend for our 2016 donation quilt, Raindrops for Rainbows.  This project raises funds for a camp for children with cancer.

This quilt has done really well!

and one of our local sewing and vac shops provided us with some needed water for the hot weekend!  Thanks Branum's!


  1. Looks like a fun event.
    Does your president have a connection to Mt. Rainier?
    I'm not surprised your fund raising quilt is doing well. It is a stunner!!

  2. Looks like it was a good meeting and some really pretty quilts!!!

  3. Thanks for putting these up! It was fun to see.

  4. I really like the mountain scene. Creative piece.

  5. Good to hear from you and I hope that your health issues continue to improve with the cooler weather! Thanks for the eye candy, too.

  6. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos of your show and tell. So many beautiful projects finished and shared.


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