Monday, January 09, 2017

Quilts 4 and 5!

Here is the continuation of yesterday's post on the new-to-me quilts.  Did discover something last night as I was going through photos...all five quilts have a pint print backing.  Different fabrics but all pink fabrics!  Another reason I believe they may have been made by the same quilter.

So here is Quilt #4...a hst on diagonal.  Doesn't it have a great contemporary feel to it!  I think it is circa 1950...
Close-up of Q-4, the grey makes it look modern no?

Like the other quilts it has a lot of pink in the backing!

Q-5 is another simple one-patch.  This one is the smallest in the bunch - 39x57 inches.

I think it is circa 1940.  It has some fun fabrics and a few are in one of the hexagon quilts (another hint they were made by the same quilter!) backing!  Binding back to front...

Watson is guarding the quilts but also thinks I am spending too much time with them!


  1. Wonderful quilts! The first one does have a contemporary feel to it. Although it is vintage, I think my boys would like that one. Would probably even call it badass! Lovely, all of them. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  2. Poor Winston..he looks like he wishes he could be doing something OTHER than guarding the quilts! HA


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