Tuesday, January 03, 2017

sewing machine vs toe....

Have you set any goals or resolutions for 2017?  I'm still working on mine...

One that I was considering was getting all my vintage sewing machines in order or out the door.  I only want to hold on to the ones that are either "beautiful or useful." - W. Morris.

So far the progress isn't good.  I took out my green Necchi to give it a good going over.  Then I realized I hadn't put the plastic cloth on the table.  So I moved the Necchi (not a small task as it weighs a ton...ok, not a ton but more than I want to lift!)  I put the cloth on the table then the Watson barks at the back door so I go to let him in and what do I do?  Trip over the Nicchi breaking my toe (btw...the Nicchi is so heavy it didn't tip over when I kicked it!)

Urgh!  So I am starting 2017 with blue, gray and green toes.  Not a great quilt inspiration.  This Nicchi may be looking for a new home!

On the up side I am making a list of quilts I am going to finish this year.

This pattern is in Bonnie Hunter's new book.  Believe it is a Carolina Chain...but since my foot is elevated I can't confirm that right now!  I have backing for this already so it is making progress!


  1. That makes 3 people I know of that have broken a toe in the last couple weeks! Sorry to hear it as I know it is painful, and there is not much to be done for it except to wait for it to heal. Love the Carolina Chain, very colorful. Hope your toe doesn't keep you down too long!

  2. Ohhh no. Not a good way to start the new year. Do you need any quilts to bind while you're resting the foot? I believe I have 3 or 4 lying about. Do take care.

  3. I am sure people will be lining up to buy your vintage machines, and more space in the house is always a good thing. Sorry to hear about your toe, hope it heals quickly. The quilt is lovely, such a sweet block, looks like a good scrap buster.

  4. ?As soon as I saw the picture of the sewing machine, my thought was that it sure looks heavy. We bought a vintage "portable" (haha!)sewing machine in a case a couple years ago. We had to move it from the antique mall to the car using a dolly cart. Then a cart to get it in the house. It was so heavy to lift out of the case that I finally gave up on it and just left it in it. I finally took it to the local church thrift store and donated it. Just was not a fun machine.

  5. I am so sorry about your toe! Years ago, when we got our youngest son, I broke my toe the DAY he arrived. I had a baby who was mixed up on his hours, had never seen a Caucasian face in his LIFE...and I was hobbling on a broken toe. It was...challenging! HA! (he is adopted from Korea...and just celebrated his 21st birthday!) I love your Carolina Crossroads. I just got Bonnie's book and ruler yesterday. Its on to Clue 6 and 7! Happy New Year

  6. Ouch, that's not a good way to start 2017 but hope,it will heal soon. Your Carolina quilt is beautiful. Take care and no more tripping over sewing machines. Happy 2017!


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